The MonsterChipser

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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So first thanks to TuneWar I could modify and improve this unit from him.

Change the original:

- Complete installed belgium
(Indicators, brake light, normal headlights and reversing light)

- Now fully washable

- New tires mounted with tires labeling me

- Any two axles steer with

- Automatic Baumstamm- or piece of wood collection improved

Installed indicator -

- Bissl tweaking

Urmodder: TuneWar
Tag: Micha / MTL Modding Team



There is always a truck or tractor with Dolly before his otherwise nothing works


Urmodder = TuneWar / Umbau = Micha / MTL Modiing Team / Reifenbeschriftung = Ahran / Bavaria Modding

  • 28 Jul 14:29
    Version 2.0

    Jetzt mit Deichsel für Traktoren und LKW, komplette 2K Textur

  • 28 May 23:35
    Version 1.6

    - Bereifung angepasst da nicht alles gleich war
    - Holzhacker angeschrägt um Holzstau und Verklemmer zuunterbinden
    - Hackleistung etwas hochgedreht
    - Diverse Feineinstellungen und behebung kleiner Fehler

  • 09 Feb 20:39
    Version 1.5


09.02 2016
Modhoster user rating
2.68 / 38 Votes


nach 34 Stimmen

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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
12.2 MB 4109
28. 07 2016 4,109
V 1.6
Farming Simulator 15
8.36 MB 3245
28. 05 2016 3,245
V 1.5
Farming Simulator 15
7.99 MB 4617
09. 02 2016 4,617

1 Comments for The MonsterChipser

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  1. George27 02. 07 2016

    hi can same one please tell me if i can get new mods for 2015 farming simulator gold edition for computer and how to put them on
