featuredNOTE: W.I.P MOD!
As some have certainly already got with, the Beast "times ebend" was converted and thrown out in the east.
Stupid only, the version of something is shackled, which one in the long run the game is shooting.
Through this action, I feel compelled to make the thing half-way.
In this post I will gradually document the progress (or not!) And keep you up to date.
What he can do:
- Trunks of trunks and the error free
- Tires have been restored
- Bunk volume 10000 liters. You know already, is only temporary storage.
What he can not do:
- All functions from the LS15 are no longer available. Logically because the script does not work.
- No steering axles
- Partial lighting not yet correct
- Digital display does not work
- Can not be refueled
- Worker not controllable
- Truck must remain attached
- No particles when working
- No particles when overcharged
- No filling plan in the bunker
You see, this is certainly not the standard that we publish elsewhere.
Therefore, the thing here is exclusively as a WIP Mod rausgeben.
If there are problems not mentioned above, please write a contribution in the support area.
This mod can be offered for download on every page but please only with ORIGINALLINK!
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Creditsliste liegt dem Mod bei!
17 Nov 17:16Version
- Beleuchtung erneuert
- auto. Warnblinklicht bei Rückwärsfahrt
- Unnötige Texturen entfernt
- Lenkachsen hinzugefügt
- Heckklappe lässt sich wieder von außen öffnen
- Digitalanzeige funktioniert wieder (Nur wenn Beast angehängt ist!)
- Arbeitslichter separat schaltbar -
16 Nov 22:16Version
by Chefkoch_LS2011
ago over 8 years
by denniskimo
ago over 8 years
by Graf_von_Berg
ago over 8 years
by Graf_von_Berg
ago over 8 years
by Graf_von_Berg
ago over 8 years
by Graf_von_Berg
ago over 8 years
by Graf_von_Berg
ago over 8 years
4 Comments for The Beast LS17
why put mods here with so many errors? I really loved this mod in FS15,Thank u for that!
But if u wanna keep your name positive,Place your mods only here if they are ready.
Ich hab in mir heut von dort Download
schade das ist toller mod
Ja wollt in betanken und sehe in meiner log leider das.
C:/Users/franz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSM_TheBeast_LS17/FSM_Beast.i3d (104.44) ms
data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerSeeds.i3d (5.92) ms
data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerFertilizer.i3d (2.50) ms
data/objects/pallets/woolPallet.i3d (9.06) ms
dataS2/character/player/player02.i3d (301.25) ms
data/vehicles/steerable/ponsse/ponsseScorpion.i3d (170.31) ms
data/vehicles/steerable/tatra/tatraPhoenix.i3d (132.09) ms
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
I love this mod!
When is atache the truck, in MP....10.000 same errors apear:
Error: Running LUA method 'draw'. dataS/scripts/InputBindings.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
was realy waiting for this mod, its litteraly my only option for chipping wood, the default transport-band based chippers just don't work good enough for me :)