Download download Mod 'The Beast LS17'

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4 Comments for The Beast LS17

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  1. hondarghini 05. 12 2016

    why put mods here with so many errors? I really loved this mod in FS15,Thank u for that!

    But if u wanna keep your name positive,Place your mods only here if they are ready.


    4 replies

  2. 2Franz 20. 11 2016

    Ich hab in mir heut von dort Download
    schade das ist toller mod
    Ja wollt in betanken und sehe in meiner log leider das.
    C:/Users/franz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSM_TheBeast_LS17/FSM_Beast.i3d (104.44) ms
    data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerSeeds.i3d (5.92) ms
    data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerFertilizer.i3d (2.50) ms
    data/objects/pallets/woolPallet.i3d (9.06) ms
    dataS2/character/player/player02.i3d (301.25) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/ponsse/ponsseScorpion.i3d (170.31) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/tatra/tatraPhoenix.i3d (132.09) ms
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value

    1 replies

  3. hondarghini 18. 11 2016

    I love this mod!

    When is atache the truck, in MP....10.000 same errors apear:

    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'. dataS/scripts/InputBindings.lua:0: attempt to index a nil value


  4. aadje93 17. 11 2016

    was realy waiting for this mod, its litteraly my only option for chipping wood, the default transport-band based chippers just don't work good enough for me :)
