Because the map recive many ideas from my map (MCE) I decide change the name. The name results the union of TCBO map with my ideas on the MCE.
The reason I´m working on this map its because I like the landscape of this map but unfortunately, the programming its very poor and have many errors. When I talk with the authors they said don´t have time to fix the errors, and they weren't going to work anymore on the map. So I decide fix and add more stuff to make a better map as the map deserve.
I leave here my thanks to authors (Baguette and OviixC) of the map for let me work on this map and publish .
This is the version 0.4 of the map.
This version have so much improvements. I know its boring start a new save game but i recommend do that with this version. If you do not want start a new save you need use new file terrainDetailHeight_density.gdm because this version have a alteration and change the piles height on the mine and on excavation points around the map. To create this new file you only need:
- Start a new save game.
- Make a save.
- Go to that new save folder and copy the file terrainDetailHeight_density.gdm and put on your correct save game.
This version have a very important colaboration of Dr. Drulia (
TCBO v0.4
- Fixed the trigger for Stonepowder
- Fixed the trigger for water on Lithium processor
- Align the trigger place machines on dealer machines (first places for large trailers)
- Added board with material information on digging sites
- Added translations for filltypes
- Reduce the map size and turn more efficient (textures)
- Seasons Ready
- Added Seasons files (Dr.Drulia
- Modmap.lua fixed (Dr.Drulia
- Reduce the maxheight on piles 20 to 4 this create many issues when discharge materials on the ground (Dr.Drulia
- PDA map update (Dr.Drulia
- Increase the capacity of the pallets to 16000
- Added trigger to repair machines on machines dealer (only apears if you start a new save game)
- Remove duplicate waterplanes
- Remove ghost lights on steelfactory
My official site with my mods: click_here
My youtube channel: click_here
My patreon page: click_here
My discord channel: click_here
Giants Partner Program: click_here
Avoid unnecessary comments if you don't like the mod don't use, there are many mods to do the same.
The credits its for the authors.
Giants SoftwareBaguette, OviixC (TCM), Nonnus (me), FS Miner, Dr.Drulia
All modders do placeables I use (the credits is on the original files inside the map)
Global Company authors
08 May 20:44Version 0.4
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
by jzarxir
ago almost 4 years
1 Comments for TCBO Mining Construction Economy
kann mir jemand sagen wo sich die bretterproduktion befindet ?