Welcome to St. Kalle, a little, idyllic village in southern Germany.
Here is what awaits you:
- A well equipped starting farm with cows and chickens
- More stables for pigs, sheeps and horses and an open cow pasture
- A production for farm needs (lime, seeds, fertilizers, pig feed, cow feed)
- A castle with grape juice production and grape juice sales
- 1 BGA
- 2 villages and 1 industrial area with other interesting productions and sales points
- 16 arable land, 5 meadows, 7 forest areas, 1 grape field
In St. Kalle and the neighboring Kallestein the world is still in order ... why is that so? Very easily! The two villages have always opposed the faster-higher-further principle of an increasingly restless world and have opted for self-production that is healthier for body, mind and soul. From food to clothing and furniture to energy, everything is self-produced... and you, as a farmer, play an important role: how will you support the two villages?
I am very curious about your plan!
Pssst, a little insider tip: the castle tavern loves to fill the guests' goblets with fresh grape juice ... and there are other vendors who pay very well for high-quality products ... feel free to check the price list beforehand you decide on a business path.
And now have fun in St. Kalle!
01 Nov 09:02Version 1.0
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
by gasflasche
ago over 2 years
2 Comments for St. Kalle
Ähm, ich weiß nicht wie ich die Milch mit nem Fass aufnehmen kann. Keines der Zeichen rund um den Kuhstall reagiert auf das "R"....
Weiß jemand Abhilfe? Wäre sehr dankbar dafür!
VG Arni
Eine wirklich sehr idyllische Landschaft, die man mit kleinen Maschinen nach alter Bauernsitte in Ruhe und Gelassenheit bearbeiten kann, ohne stets nach größeren und schnelleren Maschinen Ausschau halten zu müssen.