!!! You can find the maps, buildings and deco objects needed for the score at the following link: !!!
Offer here my finished designed farm for the North Frisian Marsh 4-fold Mod Map .
The farm, as well as all production locations was completely designed via the ingame terraforming tool.
The game state represents a restart with the difficulty level "New Farmer" (easy) on the above map.
That is, all standard vehicles are available.
The parcels on which the buildings are also already part of the yard.
Create a new savegame for this and copy the contents of the download into this folder!
So you don't have to download too many mods to use this savegame, I used most of the FedMods.
You can find the maps, buildings and deco objects needed for the savegame at the following link:
In detail, these would be:
- FED NFM with trenches
- FED mods
- FED productions
- Eiks BGA
- Eik's Granola Factory
- Eik's oil mill
- Eik's Water Trigger
- Farmhouse
- Filling stations
- Greenhouse
- Cowshed
Support is available via Discord:
or on my YT channel:
Now I wish you still much fun on your new farm! :-)
Would be happy if you could briefly give feedback on the yard via comment or PN. :-)
Idee / Konzept: XPiRiJenZ
Tester: XPiRiJenZ; p3p3
08 Feb 13:53Version 1.0
1 Comments for Score for North Frisian Marsh 4fold with and without trenches
Hallo, ich würde deinen Hof gern Spielen, ohne Gräben, wenn ich mir aber ein neues Savegame hier (2) angelegt habe, also NF Marsch o.G. starte, kann ich das Spiel spielen.
wenn ich jetzt den Inhalt von kopiere und in dem Savegame (2) Ordner lege, werden 40 Dinge überschrieben, ich kann aber jetzt das Spiel in Savgame (2) nicht mehr starten.
Bitte hilf mir