
V 1.1 mod for Insurgency: Sandstorm

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As the fighting continues the Insurgents moved north to the town of Somodag in valley situated in the Northern Caucasus.
At first they got unnoticed in the large abandoned Brick Factory. But Securety forces got warned by locals.
For Insurgents its a matter of surviving and maintain a stronghold in this Land of the mountains in the turbulent North Caucasus.

Developer notes:
This is my first released Insurgency Sandstorm level and its named Somodag. A fictional town in the North Caucasus.
And the map still needs a lot of polishing an testing. Its build in medium light mode and this is visible.
The next update it will have the production quality light build. Creating custom levels like this takes time. And a release as always is exciting.
Will players like your idea and the work you delivered. In my opinion a game with an SDK like Insurgency Sandstorm needs an active community
willing to testcustom usermade created content. So I invite everyone to test the level. Abuse it find undesired off map positions. Spots you get stuck.
silly spots you can hide and report them ao they will get fixed. Together we can increase the quality and have more fun with this level.
Custom content server owners running the level can invite me to join a game. JvP#8895

The level now comes with several modes


Push Securety
Push Insurgents
Team Deathmatch

Checkpoint Securety
Checkpoint Insurgents

I can add more modes the coming weeks.

To play local :
Local Play Day: Open Somodag?Scenario=Scenario_ Somodag_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Day
Local Play Night: Open Somodag?Scenario=Scenario_ Somodag_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Night

Its designed for Frontline and Push but it has Checkpoint,TDM and Domination as well.
To be judged on Frontline and Push.


  • 02 Jan 14:58
    Version 1.1

    Removed all to pluginfolder


01.01 2021
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Insurgency: Sandstorm installiert.
Insurgency: Sandstorm
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