CQB in the JunkYard. Checkpoint_Security Only. 7 Objectives.
This map will be updated with patches and fixes in the evenings, mostly weekends...EST, as I work full-time during the week. This is my first map, please leave feedback and criticisms or bring new ideas to better the map. I have never built a map before. However, have fun, a lot of hours went into this map, mostly because I didn't know what I was doing, especially with UE4. Enjoy the map!. I will try to limit the uploads for patches/fixes to only once a week to keep people from having to re-download everyday, unless immediate attention is needed to address a game breaking issue. Thanks for trying my map and look forward to meeting you in the JunkYard! - Syn13
In Game Name: JunkYard
MAP: JunkYard_Landscape
When testing map LOCAL PLAY use command:
For DAYTIME map:
travel junkyard_landscape?scenario=scenario_junkyard_checkpoint_security_Day?
travel junkyard_landscape?scenario=scenario_junkyard_checkpoint_security_Night?lighting=night?
Or try this:
"Thanks: Rover_Oceania_Admin @rover-oceania-admin" for play use these... I have tested both, and work.
open junkyard_landscape?Scenario=Scenario_JunkYard_Checkpoint_Security_Day
open junkyard_landscape?Scenario=Scenario_JunkYard_Checkpoint_Security_Night
(Thanks to TDSM) Server MapCycle.txt commands:
TDSM Step by Step guide for Manual Download of map:
<-- For This Tutorial it will be for Synthean13 - JunkYard Map >
1. GoTo:
2. Write down the Mod ID: 115402
3. Click down arrow in the cloud
4. Scroll down to " Releases " section and Hover on Trophy of
5. Bottom left copy the < ID: 149524 >
6. Go to your local Insuregency:Sandstorm location: Steam\steamapps\common\sandstorm\Insurgency\Mods\modio
7. Open folder 115402
8. Right click on State.json and open file in NotePad or NotePad++ (easier to read with this)
9. Scroll down to "modfile" section and under it you should see "iD": < old number >
10. Replace that number with the < 149524> from Step 5
11. Save it and close the file
12. Create a folder with the Step 5 number: < 149524 >
13. Move from downloads to that folder and right click and extract here option
14. Close everything else and launch Insurgency Sandstorm :D to play JunkYard without waiting for in game download :D *Remember the <149524>* number will change with each patch update.* (CURRENT IS <166997>)
**If you are subscribed to the mod, it will download upon you opening Insurgency Sandstorm Game in Steam.**
Please take the time and give feedback to improve the map play and map design. If you can, try to be specific/detailed with your feedback, so that I know what I'm looking for. I will read every suggestion. You can also reach me at -=312th=- Discord: There is a Suggestion Tab for Mod Maps there as well! Thanks -Syn13
15 Jul 05:04Version 1.3.1
Rebuilt Daytime Lighting, added thumbnails and loading screens for day time / night time map, updated configurations for moddata file and scenario files.
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