Currently for game version
This mod V3 is a new mod, and is independant from the preeceding major versions (see change logs for further details.
This mod is still subject to major changes. Please, if you try it, can you help by letting a feedback ?
This mod needs the Stone gate V5 indeed. It works also with optional Stone Gate V6.
See the video for example of use.
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If you wish to see my other creation:
07 Oct 23:21Version 3.0.0
Creation: You need only to snap a trap (#SOLDIER_ASSIGN_V3_KEEP_TRAP_ACCESS_NAME) on the top of a tower, and to add a door at ground level on the monument (whatever building part). The soldier will guard on the blue surface close to the trap.
For saved game, you need to keep the older version "Soldier Assignment" (V2). Both V2 and V3 can run together in the same game. I set V2 hidden because I don't maintain it anymore for new games.
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