SimuRadio 1.1 Is Da!
I was some time ago times asked if I could do something times and now behold it is Accomplished ...
With its compression rate consumes the program 35% less network load
To provide the full function readiness Since there are now some errors been corrected and all dll's Compressed File folders presence ... There is a link here you could ever pull on the desktop ...
But be regestriert When 1x Run MUST The program with you that her community alone;)
Tested virus: CLICK HERE
I Ca2 For days transmitter designs Wanted when you you can 1 Missing me happy to send him per Pn or him manually inserting. [Only pls, m3u Links]
If the program times better than anything arrives from me or I will in the next version make the design ..
Facebook: Click Here
For suggestions and tips, I am happy to ...
can play -mp3 files [Is Actually Possible]
-Design Edit.
-Auslastung Longer decreasing
Mfg Nico.B / Deutz009 / xXNickXx
Modell: Deutz009
Textur: Deutz009
Script: Deutz009
Idee / Konzept: Deutz009
Tester: Deutz009
Sonstige: Deutz009
09 Jun 03:36Version 1.5
-Antenne Niedersachsen
-Energy Bawü
-Tools Erweitert
-Ping Tool Verbessert
-Youtube Player Hinzugefügt
-MP3 Player Hinzugefügt
-Netzwerkauslastung um 5% Verringert
-LESE MICH Überarbeitet Mit Anleitung usw... -
08 Jun 12:01Version 1.4
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