Jimkerk Presents
First of all: installation requests useless , which must have been at any do it yourself .
Silage silos edtor with cutting edge V1 -to-install with the Giants !
Not placeable .
Knowledge with the Giants editor required 5:03 or higher recommended !
So as I exposed this heap ziehmlich also walked the transmitter I am once made it a little more realistic build silos.
For removal of silage has the next plane a straight cutting edge.
I have the silos for the time being in two versions made so that you may be able obstruct to your hearts content .
Other versions are in Wip geplant.Mehr info area .
Variant 1 large: capacity 2200m3 -> 2200000 liters - > 55 Grossraumsilierwagen 40m3
variant 2 small: capacity 1000m3 -> 1000000 liters - > 25 Grossraumsilierwagen 40m3
Description for installation is in pictures. Hope of course!
Here again in quickly Constitution :
Step1 : Download and Silagesilos_mit_SchnittkanteV1 the archive with winrar / zip unzip in Silagesilos_mit_SchnittkanteV1 .
Step 2 : Your Map with Winrar / zip unzip .
Step 3 : Copy the folder Silagesilos_mit_SchnittkanteV1 in your map folder .
Step 4: Open your Mapi3d with the Giants editor and select the File tab import
Step 5 : Go to the folder Silagesilos_mit_SchnittkanteV1 navigate in your maps folder and select appropriate silos and click Open .
Step6 : Click silo in the scene graph (bottom) and press Ctrl + B .
Step7 : There click on the map hinsoll where the silo ( The surface should be level and have enough space ) . .
Step8 : blue / green fine alignment of the arrows red / (click pull or push ) or via the attributes .
Make sure that the visible silage plane (front the corner under the tarpaulin ) has disappeared into the ground .
Step9 : After orientation map pack speichern.Neu and back into the mods folder.
Step 10 : Start game to test (for test best new game select ) and amount of kontrolieren plan .
If the plane a little from the floor looking step 8-10 repeat .
Have fun !
02 May 11:09Version 1.0
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