Seedmaster Pro

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Seedmaster Pro

Here I present the Seedmaster Pro.

This mod is easy to describe.

All you have to do is pour liquid fertilizer and wheat or barley into the tanks.

Then seed is produced for the seed drills.

It is recommended to empty the silo with a transfer wagon.

Smaller seed drills can be filled directly under the silo.

Direct filling does not work for seed drills that first have to be opened before they can be filled.

But you can fill a tipper and then tipping somewhere and then filling the seed drills with a wheel loader.

Or you tip over into a warehouse.Or, as already mentioned, you can use one Transfer wagon

to be able to fill the seed drills.

                                             DER BIO-PROCESSEOR

You can either buy the liquid fertilizer from the dealer or with a BIO processor


generate. The BIO processor is fed only with manure. The following products are produced:

  • - Diesel
  • - Liquid fertilizer
  • - Fertilizer (pickled)

The BIO processor is therefore strongly recommended. Use this link to download:

More information about the Seedmaster Pro.

The capacity per silo is 90000 L.

The mixing ratio is approx. 50>25%. Which means more grains than liquid fertilizer

is needed.




Modell: Harrybo Modding
Textur:  Harrybo Modding
Script:   Marhu
Idee / Konzept: Harrybo Modding
Tester: Harrybo Modding

  • 30 Oct 15:38
    Version 1.0


30.10 2022
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 1 Votes


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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
25.9 MB 798
30. 10 2022 798

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