Seed mod

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Pack bought facilities for the production and storage of seeds.

The pack includes:

  Grain treatment plant ZAV 20. Refined grains used to produce seeds. Grain waste can be recycled to vitamin flour for installing AVM 1.5. Installation is automatically activated in the presence of grains in the feed hole. Clean grain is produced with 6 to 22 hours.

  Universal seed treater PS 10AM, designed to produce seeds by blending refined grains with the pesticide. To start treater refill the tank of the treater pesticide unload cleaned grain on a platform in front of the loading screw treater, position the vehicle for the transport of seed treater under the unloading pipe, go to the control panel, located on the housing and turn it treater.

  Pesticide dressing refined grains for seeds. To download pesticide vehicle podedte to the container by filling faucet, drain excess pesticide from the vehicle back into the tank - podedte on the reverse side.

  Storage of seeds and fertilizers.

  AVM 1.5 Installation for the production of vitamin herbal granulated flour grass and grain waste. To start the installation unload grass or grain wastes in the output tray, refill the fuel tank installation fuel, go to the control panel and turn on the unit.

  Feeders for granular herbal vitamin flour for cows. Place the feeder in a pasture in the paddock, where the cows so that you could drive a trailer with a narrower side of the trough. Grass meal increases the productivity of cows. The amount of flour in a trough on the PDA is not displayed, you can identify visually or with the help of fashion AnimalWaterHUD version 1.4.

  Mod AnimalWaterHUD v1.4, this version appears on the screen of your animal activity in real time, the amount of food, water and grass meal in a manger, the performance of the animals, the number of products produced by animals. Show / hide the screen animal activity - a key * on the numeric keypad.

  Mod UniversalProcessKit v0.9.8, mods required to run this pack.

  Mods ZZZ_multiFruit and ZZZ_multiFruitModule_upk_KZS, allowing for the transport, planting and harvesting other crops, transport of sand, gravel, refined grains, grain waste, grass meal and other additional loads standard technique.


Mod "SchweineMast AddOn" for Farming Simulator 15

Addon adds pigsties and point of sale of pigs on the standard card Bjornholm and Westbridge Hills.Piglets for fattening can be bought in the store. All information is displayed on the PDA. Location pigsties and points of sale indicated on the map.

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werik, Silak_68

  • 09 Jan 18:14
    Version 1.0


checksum: c06630a1859abffee268d105e2e2a4a7
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: fozzy691, DjiZon, Babe2212
price in shop: LS
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description in shop:

09.01 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.52 / 31 Votes


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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
50.2 MB 7495
09. 01 2016 7,495

1 Comments for Seed mod

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  1. Totenfarmer 10. 01 2016

    Great idea, but how does this work with the vitamin flour and all on maps that already has the schweinemast mod, do I need to change anything ?


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