SDF Group ModPack

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hallo liebe Modhostergemeinde heute stelle ich euch meine ModPack aus die SDF- Gruppe zur verfügung!! Die Gruppe "SAME DEUTZ-FAHR" (SDF-Group) ist am Weltmarkt mit vier Marken vertreten: SAME, DEUTZ-FAHR, LAMBORGHINI und HURLIMANN.

Die heruntergeladene Datei muß nicht entpackt werden. Darin enthalten sind: Same Dorado 86, Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 87, Lamborghini R2.86, Hurlimann XA-86.


  • Maßstab 1:1
  • Beleuchtung v3.1
  • ESLimiter
  • Pflug Mod
  • Betriebsstundenzähler
  • Tür/fenster öffnen/schließen - auch von außen(Tasten NUM_4, NUM_5, NUM_6, NUM_8)
  • Kaufbarer FL (Mausgesteuert)
  • Kaufbare Zwillingsreifen (Transport mit FL oder adapter – Taste M)
  • Kaufbare Öl-Palette
  • Ölwechsel Funktion (Taste R)
  • Allrad 4x4 (Taste U)
  • Realistisches Dynamisches Auspuffpartikelsystem
  • Reifenstaub
  • Hydraulik vorne/hinten Voll animiert
  • Mausgesteuerte Universal gabel (an/aus-einander, links und rechts bewegen)
  • MP-Tauglich (ohne Logeinträge auf Standard Map)
  • Alle AO Texturen sind in .dds format
  • und und und ...


Was ist enthalten + (Credits)



  • Modell: Giants, CebuljCek
  • Ingame: CebuljCek
  • Textur: Giants, CebuljCek


Frontloader (Mausgesteuert)

  • Modell: Bigfarmer145
  • Textur: Bigfarmer145
  • Skin/Konsole: CebuljCek


Multi Forks (Mausgesteuert)

  • Modell: CebuljCek
  • Ingame: CebuljCek
  • Textur: CebuljCek



  • Modell: CebuljCek
  • Ingame: CebuljCek
  • Textur: CebuljCek


Oil Pallet

  • Modell: CebuljCek
  • Ingame: CebuljCek
  • Textur: CebuljCek


Dual Wheels

  • Modell: CebuljCek
  • Ingame: CebuljCek
  • Textur: CebuljCek


Verbaute Scripte:


AllradV4 - modelleicher / DragonLord2007

baleAttacher - Geri-G / Bayn

Beleuchtung v3.1 - Sven777b

BresselLadeFork - Manuel Leithner

BuyableTwinWheels - Manuel Leithner / fruktor

ESLimiter - Manuel Leithner

FendtFrontloader - Manuel Leithner

manualIgnition - Templaer / Andreas Schneider / Ago-Systemtech

moveAbleBottomArm - Geri-G

OilChange - JoXXer

OperatingHours - Manuel Leithner

PloughingSpec - Burner

RadsturzV2 - modelleicher

realExhaustParticleSystem - modelleicher

controlI3DAnim - Sven777b

wheelParticle - ???

ZugmaulVisibilityV2 – modelleicher


Bitte akzeptiert die Arbeit der Modder und benutzt den Original Download Link!!



Viel Spaß!

CebuljCek (borutcebulj)

CebuljCek MODDING 


Creative Commons licenca
SDF-Group v1.0 ModPack LS13 by CebuljCek (borutcebulj) is licensed under a Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 3.0 Nedolo?ena License.
Ustvarjena na podlagi dela, dostopnega na
Dodatna dovoljenja, ki jih ne obsega ta licenca, so dostopna na


Models / Texture:
Giants, CebuljCek

Manuel Leithner
Templaer / Andreas Schneider / Ago-Systemtech

  • 08 Nov 01:03
    Version 1.0


08.11 2012
Modhoster user rating
4.73 / 85 Votes


nach 55 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
19.7 MB 24197
08. 11 2012 24,197

4 Comments for SDF Group ModPack

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  1. Totenfarmer 11. 04 2013

    Seems the attacher bug is still there, low poly palletforks with no lock script dosn`t work out so good, also tried lowering the forks a bit as suggested, it works, until you turn or go downhill, then the pallets fall off..

  2. Joe`s farm dk 07. 04 2013

    hello can any one tell me why it does this, when i go below 12 km/t it starts stopping, so what i mean is when you try to reverse or go ahead ahead slow it simpel stop run stop so it make so hard to use , i have testet other tracktors and found a ford pack i had did the same thing, but otherwise none of my other doing it ??? it is logfree so i do not really understand, and second i can not make the muti-fork working, the bale lock is haveing an errors in my log but otherwise they work as a frontloader....

  3. Wiskyeye 22. 11 2012

    Please update this mod I like it but it has some issues. The Lamborghini model freezes up game however I have driven one of the others with no freeze. There is also a issue with the forks for FL they cant pick up pallets. I suspect this may be dependent on which tractor you choose because on other sites people have posted that they work fine. It's confusing to me how some mods work for some people and not others when we are all playing same game.

  4. xiukaz 08. 11 2012

    it freezes my game, why?
