Scania R730 with cooling structure

V 1.7 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hello LS friends
Today I offer you a Scania R730 with cooling structure .
Since I play with maps now and industries and I did not like all the associated modpacks . And I am very happy to go with the Scania Fliegl pack. I have a short hand Scania and trailer taken from the Fliegl pack and rebuilt .
Big thanks go to DIMANIX for the Scania model and the two trailer models
and a big thanks to Hoschi97 for the cooling structure .
Both were also kind enough to give me the share. So that I may publish the pack and the LS Com can make available .
Now some info 's about the pack itself
· Scania R730 - Kühlaufbau
Capacity 22900 liters
Fruit varieties : beer , whiskey, tomatoes , cucumbers , onions , carrots , canned food and bread
Lighting scripts , scripts passenger
· Trailer - Refrigerated body
Capacity 35600 liters
Fruit varieties : beer , whiskey, tomatoes , cucumbers , onions , carrots , canned food and bread
lighting scripts
· Semi-trailer - Kühlaufbau
Capacity 61000 liters
Fruit varieties : beer , whiskey, tomatoes , cucumbers , onions , carrots , canned food and bread
lighting scripts
In all models, the rear doors are animated , you can open it and close .
Note : Fruit tarps are partially obstructed, are visible at the rear doors open . However, not all fruit Plan available . That some types of fruit are still without tarp.
Furthermore, I unfortunately do not know in some built-up fruit Plan the Urmodder .
Should anyone to know or the modders are reading this , please leave a message to me.
dimanix Scania R730 model
3- axle trailer
hoschi97 Kühlaufbau
Giants fruit Plan
Modder unknown to the other fruit Plan .
Conversion Mach1 - Andy
Passenger scripts Alex2009 was previously installed
Lighting scripts Sven777b was previously installed
Conclusion :
This modpack I created purely for me and I like the packaging as it is .
Will also continue to work .
Should anyone have any suggestions , that's no problem . I 'll look at this and implement it in like also .
An MR version it is on my part not to give because I do not use any MR. And no experience
thus have . Unless someone finds that circumscribes me the pack to MR.


dimanix, hoschi97, Giants

  • 25 Aug 13:32
    Version 1.7

    Changelog V1.7

    - Fruchtplanen reduziert auf 2, Getränkekästen für Getränke und Rollcontainer für die restlichen Früchte
    - Zucker, Sugar und Pommes als neue Frucht eingefügt
    - neue Anbauteile aus ETS

    Changelog V1.63

    - Mehl eingefügt inkl. Fruchtplane
    - Sounds ausgetauscht
    - Backwaren eingefügt

    Changelog V1.62

    - SemiTrailer wieder ins Pack eingebunden
    - Stereo Sounds gegen Mono getauscht Dank an Manni313 für umwandeln
    - Auspuff erhalten, sowie ein paar Tunning Anbauteile
    - RUL entfernt

    Changelog V1.61

    - Kartoffeln eingefügt
    - weiter überflüssige Texturen und Partikelsysteme entfernt
    - Heckbeleuchtung am Koffer oben erneuert
    - neues Kühlaggregat

  • 12 May 17:18
    Version 1.6

    Jetzt haben alle Früchte ihre Fruchtplanen --- XML ein wenig aufgeräumt --- Shop Beschreibung geändert -- Neue Frucht Fisch & Fish--


checksum: 0718e926cc8eba57a1a05496e357af00
Version: 1.7
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Mach1--Andy
price in shop: 132700 LS
name in shop: Scania R730 Kuehlaufbau
description in shop: Wenn Sie den ultimativen Allzweck-Lkw suchen – Scania bietet absolute Vielseitigkeit.
Fruits: Bier, Whiskey, Hopfen, Konserven, Fisch, Tomaten, Karotten, Mehl, Gurken und Zwiebeln.
Capacity: 22900

Scania Modell: dimanix; Kühlaufbau: Hoschi97
Umbau: Mach1--Andy

07.05 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.22 / 37 Votes


nach 31 Stimmen

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V 1.7
Farming Simulator 2013
60 MB 3524
25. 08 2014 3,524
V 1.6
Farming Simulator 2013
41.8 MB 6806
12. 05 2014 6,806

3 Comments for Scania R730 with cooling structure

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  1. primal_71 18. 05 2014

    any plans of redoing the semi trailer, that was in the first version? i play triplefarming map, and this mod was a blessing to me for what was offered with the map. great mod but i wish the semi trailer could be readded, trying to back up that little trailer into the bread industry is a pain, if not thank you for what you did contribute like i said it was a blessing and was just what i needed

  2. szemiramisz 08. 05 2014

    Hi All!

    1.5 version NON Log Free, incorrect!
    I hope I have not broken the 1:51!

    Error: Beleuchtung V3 - Index 0>4|0|2|1 nicht gefunden (vehicle.lightsaddon.light(3))
    Error: index out of range
    Call Stack:
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(8) : printCallstack
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(56) : checkChildIndex
    C:/Users/szemiramisz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/ScaniaR730_refrigerated_pack/scripts/beleuchtungV31.lua(36) : indexToObject
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(915) : ?
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(91) : loadFinished
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1103) : load
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/network/Client.lua(336) : readStream
    D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/network/ConnectionManager.lua(28) : func
    Index: 0>4|0|2|5
    Error: Beleuchtung V3 - Index 0>4|0|2|5 nicht gefunden (vehicle.lightsaddon.light(5))

  3. primal_71 07. 05 2014

    I cant read german, if these guys are complaining, oh well, the mod works fantastic on Triplefarming Map and that was severly hampering my game by not having a trailer that accomodated my need's... great job!!!
