Dynamic exhaust, tire dust in fields, StVO V3.1 lighting, steering axis (axis 3)
Rangierkamera, Rangierscheinwerfer, animated tail lift (open / close, raise / lower)
Case interior lighting load (on and hidden).
Loaded with:
Cheese, yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, bread, UHT milk, fish, beer, eggs, meat, sugar, chips and dairy products
Loading capacity: 20500 liters
Price in shop: 98200 €
Due to the downloadable products, this vehicle is suitable for the following maps:
AichMap V5.1, V5.0 and V4
Bassumer country V3.8 and V4
When playing Maps missing appear on which one or more of the above products harmless
Warnings in the log.txt. This has on the stability of the game's control.
This vehicle is not for "low" PCs suitable.
Many thanks to the company Citti for permission to publish the model in the 'striped design GV Partner'
Mein Dank geht an: Giants, Sven777b für das Lichtscript V3.1 und das Animations-Script,Manuel Leithner für das DynamicExhaustingSystem. Vielen Dank auch an meine Tester Flydoc und Skalna
21 Sep 09:03Version 1.0
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by hoschi97
ago over 12 years
by Raffi_M
ago over 12 years
checksum: | be76dbbe715ea8bd50c0f8a55c79aa7e |
Version: | 1.0 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Hoschi97 |
price in shop: | 98200 LS |
name in shop: | Scania P420 Ringel |
description in shop: |
Kuehl-LKW der Firma Ringel GV-Partner
Beladbar mit: Kaese, Joghurt, Butter, Quark, Brot, H-Milch, Fisch, Bier, Eier, Fleisch, Zucker, Fritten und Molkereiprodukte Ladevolumen: 20500 Liter; Modell von Hoschi97 |
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