Increases difficulty of Survival match by decreasing bot respawn time as objectives are taken. Survival gets insane with a huge number of bots and with respawns gets very messy as bots will be swarming the respawn point. This is an alternative way of scaling difficulty that scales respawn time. This can be set alongside the vanilla bot increase on objective, but kept to a lower number of bots. Note that bots are respawned in a queue, so this time sets how fast every bot will take in a queue after dying. Setting this to something as high as 20 and you may never see bots at all as the queue is paused whenever players are on objectives. The difference between each second is large.
Mutator = ScaleSurvival
Bot increase is found by the following algorithm:
BotRespawnDelay = StartRespawnDelay + (CompletedObjectives/TotalObjectives)*(FinalRespawnDelay-StartRespawnDelay)
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