Currently for game version or or
Needs the mod "Sheep Addition"
In 1.5: if your save game doesn't load:
- Remove "Sheep Addition" and "Salt Production" from the edit list of your saved game
- Add again "Salt Production"
If this still doesn't work, please, contact me on discord.
Menu General:
- Saltner
- Rock Salt Mine
- Saltworks
- Smoke House
The saltner should be set close to the sea.
For the other maps, there is a rock salt mine and a saltworks.
For the new games, the salt can be sold to or bought from new trading villages. (Caution: currently the mod should be added in the list prior loading the new game)
You can also produce smoked and salted meats from salt and fish or boars or mutton with the building Smoke House.
Thanks to K1SK4 for the translation to Russian.
Thanks to SammyKeksable for the translation to German.
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If you wish to see my other creation:
14 Jul 04:56Version 3.1.4
Adds dependency with Sheep Addition
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