With this mod you can look back throw the left window when you are reversing with truck and trailer (like in ETS2).
v1.1added controls for position of reverse camera
- you can now use reverse camera for any vehicle instead of truck only
- helptext will show when reverse camera is active, you can enable/disable it by NUM_0
- setted position of camera will be saved for current vehicle in your savegame
Controls: KEY_KP_0 - show/hide help controls
KEY_KP_minus - move camera outside
KEY_KP_plus - move camera inside
KEY_KP_multiply - move camera forward
KEY_KP_divide - move camera back
KEY_KP_period - reset position of reverse camera
If you find any errors or issues, let me know in comments or to and i will fix it in next version.
Script: kenny456
Idea / Concept: kenny456
27 Sep 12:39Version 1.2
-added option to turn on reversing camera on right side
-no super realistic with truck, but it could be cool for tractors
-right camera can be turn on/off by presing KEY_KP_enter when you are looking to the right -
17 Sep 14:49Version 1.1
by kenny456
ago over 7 years
by kenny456
ago over 7 years
by kenny456
ago over 7 years
by kenny456
ago over 7 years
5 Comments for Reversing camera for truck
Ich habe versucht zu runterladen, und....überaschung...schade :(
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you need to stop sharing this mod on sharemods as it messed up my firefox browser
unfortunately not all tractors (large standard and some mod) camera is not working. But thank you so much for the mod! Very useful, especially on the trucks
I dont even get anything in F1 menu at all and in log i get this so this isnt working at all in my game
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamOut in FS17Reversingcamera
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamIn in FS17Reversingcamera
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamForward in FS17Reversingcamera
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamBack in FS17Reversingcamera
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamReset in FS17Reversingcamera
Warning: Missing l10n for button revCamHelp in FS17Reversingcamera
how is this suppose to work as it needs specialization Motorized for a start