LS22 round baler extension v2
Helper script for pressing round bales.
Hello @all,
I have a little helper script for those who like to press round bales.
This script slows down the tractor from a fill level of 90% to 8 km/h and stops it when the round baler is full. Works with cruise control or manual throttle input. If you activate the automatic placement on the round baler, you only have to make sure that you stay on the swath.
Furthermore, it is fixed as long as the round baler is full and on. Can be recognized by the illuminated brake lights.
There's not much more to say I think. This mod is simply intended to make round bales easier to press, which I think it does.
Have fun with the mod
MFG Ifko
Compatibility with patch 1.4 and higher.
Brake lights work again when braking with the press on.
Square balers are no longer limited to 8 km/h once they reach 90% fill.
22 Apr 19:29Version 2.0
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