Ropa Euro Maus 5

V 1.3 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Property me times the original Giants Holmer TerraFelis 2 made therefrom and a Ropa Euro Maus conjured 5 :)


Unfortunately, I can the logo on the steering wheel does not change: /.




Speed: 45 Km / h

Price: € 325,000 purchase price / 35,750 Rent

Engine output: 354 hp

Tank Capacity: 1225 liter

Maintenance: 1.650 € per day.


(Did it not in multiplayer tested)


Have fun with it.




Please always use the original download link. Thank you.


Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants / DellwigerLTS

  • 04 Nov 02:04
    Version 1.3

    Sorry Leute für die falsche Datei.

    Diesmal bekommt ihr die richtige aktuelle.

    - Mehr Decals
    - Felgenfarbe angepasst
    - Logos angepasst

    So. Viel spaß damit.

  • 03 Nov 12:55
    Version 1.2

    - Mehr Decals
    - Felgenfarbe angepasst
    - Logos angepasst

  • 31 Oct 10:55
    Version 1.0


31.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.04 / 28 Votes


nach 21 Stimmen

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V 1.3
Farming Simulator 17
17 MB 6636
04. 11 2016 6,636
V 1.2
Farming Simulator 17
17 MB 1599
03. 11 2016 1,599
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
16.7 MB 3049
31. 10 2016 3,049

2 Comments for Ropa Euro Maus 5

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  1. rosel700 04. 11 2016

    er hat bei mir immer noch keine Räder( außer die kleinen unter dem rahmen)
    neuen spielstand gold valley angefangen und keine mods im modordner ausser diesen.

    C:/Users/Holger/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/RopaEuroMaus5/euroMaus5.i3d (246.49) ms
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'n12v4' not found in 'data/vehicles/wheels/trelleborg/TM1000_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '0' in 'C:/Users/Holger/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/RopaEuroMaus5/ropaEuroMaus5.xml'. Using default '0.1'!
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'n12v4' not found in 'data/vehicles/wheels/trelleborg/TM1000_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '1' in 'C:/Users/Holger/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/RopaEuroMaus5/ropaEuroMaus5.xml'. Using default '0.1'!
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'n12v4' not found in 'data/vehicles/wheels/trelleborg/TM1000_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '2' in 'C:/Users/Holger/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/RopaEuroMaus5/ropaEuroMaus5.xml'. Using default '0.1'!
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'n12v4' not found in 'data/vehicles/wheels/trelleborg/TM1000_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '3' in 'C:/Users/Holger/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/RopaEuroMaus5/ropaEuroMaus5.xml'. Using default '0.1'!
    Physics System

    1 replies

  2. maciusboss1 31. 10 2016

    Omg O_o Now it is called modding the game?

    1 replies
