
V 1.81 Update Fixes mod for Farming Simulator 15

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V1.5 Ringwoods Map Completion large Update, 1.23gb reduced to 326Mb zip, Multiplayer YES. Map opimised via 2nd GE pass to reduce size. Ringwoods 1.5 is error free.

Just place this zip in your mods folder and load up a new game and select the Ringwoods V1.5 Map.

Starting equipment is basic but worth +999k if sold towards mods.

It would be a great help to others If you could comment on how this map performs with your PC system specs. This plays perfectly on our systems with settings set to HIGH and 2xAS , 2xAA enabled. Win7 64bit, 8gb Ram, Xeon quad core CPU's and Geforce 670 MSI graphics cards.

New for V1.5 you will need a compost trailer/shovels and a cattle transport trailer like the Joskin BetimaxRDS 750 to transport from the new areas to sell point's.

CMC Composting Plant. Plant owner pays at tip point.
Garden Center Compost sell point.
North farm Pig fattening.
South farm beef fattening.
North and South farm yard extensions for the above.
CMP Meats on Hangar Row in town purchase fattened cattle.
Manure pit loading conveyors.
Many area updates.
All reported issues fixed tested and working including the mixstation keybinding.
Updated prices and stats.
Updated PDA map with new areas.
Inter farm sales are now switched on so you can store at the Ringwoods Main silo the sell to the north or south farms when demand is high.
Building texture updates all over the map are finished.
All fields are empty now ready for planting.
More trees, shrubs and flowers planted in key areas. Trees texture have been freshly updated and all tree models replaced before upload.
Remove Haze and compost soil are incorperated into the map. Much much more but you'll not notice unless you look hard.
The south Forerstry area around the sawmill and lake hammers our graphics cards purely because there is so much going on in that area. No framerate drops just the fans really spin up there.

This is the completed map now although I'm not labelling it as final. Enjoy.

As always this map was designed to run on our PC's the spec's above and it does perfectly. However  I CAN NOT guarantee that it will run, perform and play as intended on your PC system but hopefully it will.

You are not allowed to modify and re-upload this map without my permission so please don't, make and edit your own maps and mods it's fun.
You can however use any part, model, texture including the trees for your own map and upload them with it. Thanks Stevie.


Original by Giant's, Marhu & Farmer_Andy's models and scripts, Andy1978, Wiznall, JHML and mod map by Stevie.

  • 19 May 19:39
    Version 1.81 Update Fixes

    Although the V1.81fix looks the same as 1.8 appart from the new fencing 2 good performance gains were had by removing the recieve shadow map from the 1000+ trees. Cast shadow is still active and so is collision annd the visual impact is minimal. The old fencing was replaced and also cast and recieve shadows is now off as it was a gain that had minimal impact visually and a good gain to be had. The new fencing also blends better with the map.
    The texture was fixed for all the buildings that used the Hangar diffuse.. Various other reported minor issues have also been fixed.

  • 15 May 20:36
    Version 1.8 Final Map Update

    New For V18MF

    This can be considered as the final version of the Ringwoods map although it will be maintained with future updates where needed.

    Field 11 layout area change presents a nice large square field now.

    After the field 11 area change a new area was created for th flour mill and it's tip point.

    Fields 14 and 15 were flipped and resized which now presents field 15 as the second largest field in the game. Fields 14 and 15 are split by a ploughable grass lane which if joined would create the largest field on the map. Roads and gated entrances were adjusted around this area.

    The Southfarm layout has been finished and includes a flat placeable area and storage sheds.

    The Northfarm layout has also been finished and now includes a small pond near the barn where you can back a water tanker in and fill like at the main farm.

    Silo's have all been updated with new signs and digital amount readouts.

    Tree collision is back on for all trees now.

    Ringwoods Mutifruit, now when I first implemented this I hated the way it looked so I set about changing it, you will see what I mean.

    Next came embedded fill plains and particles from the loading, unloading and fruit in trailers so all the fruits are correct and I did the compost soil as well so all trilers will so the correct load.

    The woods have increased tree density and have had more texture and ground work.

    The Cow Navmesh is fixed at the feeding trophs in the cowzone. Cows will no longer stand in the trophs or do handstands trying to get to the feed.

    Prices for pallet boards have been slightly decreased.

    A new Spinnery tip point has been added for the sale of cotton.

    Other tip points and sale points have had the new fruits added where needed.

    The garden centers yard has need enlarged near the compost sale point

    Chopped Straw is added to the map.

    Some of the auto gates have been adjusted where they hit the ground.

    Some of the fencing has been adjusted where it looked wrong.

    They PDA is adjusted, correct and the map is upto date with the new areas.

    Much more but you'll not notice and over the weeks I've forgot.

    Special thanks to bassaddict and Robbie for helping me out with my multifruit issues the other night on FS-UK.

    Thanks to upsidedown, Farmer_Andy and Marhu for creating simple easy to install and use scripts and mods for us to enjoy.
    V1.8MF END.


03.04 2015
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V 1.8 Final Map Update
Farming Simulator 15
479 MB 4617
15. 05 2015 4,617
V 1.81 Update Fixes
Farming Simulator 15
15.3 MB 1510
19. 05 2015 1,510

22 Comments for Ringwoods

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  1. Firez34 11. 06 2015

    Update on Black Rock Valley. End of build day 24 and It's finished. From this weekend a select few will be testing it for the week. Once any issues are resolved and I don't expect many V1.0 will be released. Every day of the build has been logged on the Farm Simulator Mods Facebook page. Stevie.


  2. fabiodu02 29. 05 2015

    Comment prendre le lait ?
    que faut t il pour les laitues ?

  3. Firez34 29. 05 2015

    My second map project is Black Rock Valley, I'm 10 days in making the map from scratch. Follow it's progress on facebook with daily updates.


  4. TheGameExpert 22. 05 2015

    How can I fill diesel to lettuce greenhouse?

    1 replies

  5. Firez34 19. 05 2015

    Ringwoods V1.81 is now live although not on here yet.

  6. Firez34 19. 05 2015

    Ringwoods V1.81fixes is finished and will go live soon.

  7. redneck12901 17. 05 2015

    what harvester does cotton? I can't find one

    1 replies

  8. Firez34 16. 05 2015

    I'm aware of the CMP hangar texture problem and it will be fixed for next week. Any more issues please report before Tuesday.

  9. amonbonfills 16. 05 2015

    Simply the best Westbridge ever played until now, not only the attention to details but the functionality of it makes it really enjoyable to play. Thank you very much for you great work and to all the guys who helped.

  10. ToReN 16. 05 2015

    I have a problem with delivery of water, fuel and fertilizer for lettuce none of the trailer may not unload these products to anyone any suggestions

    1 replies

  11. Like your maps so much not sure which one to use v 1.71 or v 1.8. 1.71 i can use the the apple trees and 1.8 i can't but get to plant more corps. thanks for the great maps

  12. Leeroy1977 15. 05 2015

    Great job stevie, this is by far the best map on FS15 to date.
    Very detailed map with plenty of support and updates.
    Big thank you to you for all your hard work and also to those helpers thank you all!!!

    1 replies

  13. Firez34 14. 05 2015

    Ringwoods V1.8MF Final is being released tomorrow.

  14. Firez34 09. 05 2015

    Progress has started on the next version of Ringwoods, the multifruits and chopped straw mods are in place and running without log error's although some adjustment is needed to the fruits and textures. Stevie.

  15. Fritssel 07. 05 2015


    at the blue/green silos on the farm.

  16. Fritssel 06. 05 2015

    At the MH Timber where should I lose my Fuel and straw.

    I have tried everything but nothing works, the trunks work

  17. amonbonfills 05. 05 2015

    Thank you for all corrections you made, really great map.
    All I wish now is to have new crops, sunflower, rye....
    All the best

  18. Firez34 01. 05 2015

    Hallo chrescht23
    könnte ein mod Konflikt versuchen Sie, die Karte fom sein eigenes Mod-Ordner mit ihm ist inklusive 5 anderen zip / der Karte korrekt für 1000 ist der arbeitenden Menschen. Ein paar sind mit Konflikts durch andere Mods in es-Ordner. Kann bestätigen, dass alles in der Karte arbeitet mit 0 Fehlern. Das einzige Problem ist die Haupt Farmen Silo Trigger, aber das ist für das nächste Update behoben.

    1 replies

  19. Warondar69 01. 05 2015

    Another great update that adds even more work to the Ringwoods map. Thanks Stevie!

    PS. The only place that I don't mind getting more work = Farming Simulator. When it comes to real work = hate it. hehe 5/5

  20. amonbonfills 23. 04 2015

    This is a nice map, with potential, unfortunately I had problems using CP when tried to unload to main silo. Trigger does not work properly. Abandoned the map.
    Looking forward for new updates.
    Thanks for your great job
