
V mod for Insurgency: Sandstorm

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When the town loses all contact after a snowstorm, business partners authorize a Security team to investigate and use deadly force as needed.

This is my entry for the 2021 Sandstorm Mapping Contest, to be judged on the Frontline Gamemode. As this is my first map I've ever done, this first test upload I'll consider Version 0.7, with general exterior detail polish improvements and any gameplay feedback to be implemented in the final submission.
Map layout inspired by some of my favorite snow towns and buildings, interiors are a combination of inspirations from various shooters, with the village as an homage to Insurgency's classic connected building layouts. Overall idea was to create a very dynamic map that combined all the available ingame assets into something new that still utilized Sandstorm's full range of mechanics, from airstrikes to unique Co-Op outposts.

Current available modes, scenario travel names here:
Frontline (Scenario="Scenario_Factory_Frontline",Lighting=Day")
Checkpoint Security (gameplay improvements tbd) (Scenario="Scenario_Factory_Checkpoint_Security",Lighting="Day")
Domination (Scenario="Scenario_Factory_Domination",Lighting="Day")
Firefight West (Scenario="Scenario_Factory_FirefightWest",Lighting="Day")

TDM is enabled but is not a designed mode yet, so use Domination for the time being.

If anyone is able to run Frontline on a server with full teams, feel free to shoot me an invite (message on and/or send feedback as I am now focusing on any ways to improve gameplay and balance, airstrike fairness, objective/spawn distances as needed. My server is hardly strong enough for a full match size :).

Currently Complete:
Gameplay-related mapping and structures all complete.
Interiors + lighting all complete minus doors/windows.
Target gameplay elements all accounted for on Frontline, Domination and Firefight -- fair/even spawning, restricted areas, overall cover etc.

Work in Progress to 1.0 (check here for any update revisions):
Optimization/building merging pending locks for gameplay layout -- hopefully framerates are OK for now.
Soundscapes to be added.
Outpost mode -- map has been partially designed with this in my mind as a personal favorite mode, so I plan to get that mode in ASAP.
Exterior detail and street props, final few interior detail elements (but interiors should be mostly complete).
AI cover spawns and Technical Vehicle inclusion for Co-Op (available already in Frontline)
Minimap -- rough draft in place but not lined up with objectives properly.
Terrain smoothing -- It's my first time doing map design and learning Unreal both, so note some roadways and buildings aren't flush with ground yet. Feel free to wait for an update soon on polish if you'd prefer that.
Fog/lighting: Only preview lighting builds are used with very basic daylight settings are currently enabled, will update here when complete.
Ending cave objective -- plan to add in some added cover here as it's a fairly open segment.
Night Mode -- Don't bother to play in Night Mode, as it's currently only set with the barebones default settings, need to add various lights/etc. but will likely handle later after contest (version 1.2?)
UI Loadout cameras -- will add for both sides soon, currently just Security and in a bad location.

Looking for feedback on (PvP focused):
Overall layout/paths to objectives for fairness/variety?
Any game-breaking cheats or bugs? And overall effectiveness of restricted areas for Frontline especially?
Also interested in any weird bot behaviour for Co-Op, but I may not be able to fix as that is an ongoing developer project.

Thanks to the community discord for the awesome guides and helpful feedback on all my questions thus far! And thanks so much to the developers for finally getting me to jump into the world of modding, been a big learning curve but very interesting journey. Also thanks to all my friends and other testers out there who may hop in and give some feedback!



15.01 2021
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Insurgency: Sandstorm installiert.

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