This version has been updated for FS 25 by DVFX, using the original code from loki_79, optimized for compatibility with the new game version.
Changelog v1.0.0.1:
- Updated modDesc descVersion to newest (92)
- Updated mod description
- Minor fixes
Note: All credits for the original concept and code go to loki_79. Adjustments were made to ensure compatibility with the latest release.
This mod enhances the realism of the first-person view from inside vehicles. It allows a better view for reversing or attaching implements by letting the player lean around the cab in any direction.
- Full leaning inside the cabin for improved visibility (default key: SHIFT)
- Rotation limited to +/-180 degrees when looking out the rear window
- Simulated leaning when looking over your shoulder
- All interior vehicle cameras are set to the 'Field of View' defined in the game settings
15 Nov 10:35Version
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