Real World vs. Playable

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Real World vs. playable version I



Lower Saxony. From the Harz Mountains to the North Sea. This is a small Oumage on that small patch of earth. From the original map only are the streets, remained in parts of the village and the castle ruins. Everything else has been altered, extended or demolished. The result is a thriving landscape. At the same time I wanted to behold what is possible and am therefore not yet in the end.



This card is only for powerful computers. The Map01.i3d is 53MB in size. The recommended hardware for the computer I have set as follows:


Dual Core CPU with 2x2GHz

2GB Ram

ATI4800 512mb NVidia or equivalent

well-configured operating system


Please note that I can not guarantee that the card runs on PCs with weaker hardware than this.



Copy fs_game folder in the zip, and pull current by Head Shot and also in the

Fs_game folder, move, add your own Modfahrzeuge, start playing, having fun.


The map was tested repeatedly for several hours in SP and MP (see screenshots) and should work completely. If the gremlins have struck, and nothing else works, a short message to me and I'll look at me. The error will be fixed with the next version, if I can reproduce the error.



What has changed:

- Cow pasture was transferred to the court

- All the mountains were torn and / or rebuilt

- Forests and trees have been added

- Roads were built

- It came with standard 72 fields of fruits, including 25 wheat, 18 barley, 13 rape and 16 corn fields, pastures and paddocks around 50 round off the

- In the southwest is a biogas plant (headshots BGA installed scripts)

- Many paddocks and meadows were surrounded by the fence by Dennis Busch

- A new village was built in the southeast. It now houses the trigger port directly on the harbor and the brewery

- In the second village also a nursery, the grass is buys.

- Cinematics are created, driving boats on the rivers, to fly cargo at sea, airplanes, drive cars

- New PDA symbols are set

- Production of milk has changed (sale price and quantity of each component)

- Milk can even be worn (beta status, not yet fully tested)

- And many many more little things





Where can I find what:

In the beginning, all devices are available on the main courtyard in the middle of the map. You have a tractor barn, two storage sheds for equipment, a seed and fertilizer hall and a hall for straw bales.

Behind the house is the straw bale building. Ball Hall is right next to the extraction point for the manure from the underground tank. The manure pile behind the silos on the right a little way along. At the hall outside the seed Kornentladestelle. You can also unload the grain into the hall to the right box. The plan of the hall and step into fall, depending on the level of the grain warehouse in the PDA. Out of the speakers can also use a shovel (for example, the shovel from the TipAnywhere Mod) will be removed and put into grain trailer. Also did you stand on the other side of your yard even under normal driving silos.


The two silos are labeled. Grass can also tilt more in the trough and sell at the nursery. Corn silage can still north of the gardening tip in a new clamp to allow it to get his cows.


The mill is at the usual place, only they got a covered unloading area. Together with the port of unloading is drawn to the second village, and now clearly visible on Billinger land commercial buildings. Very near the port, can be clearly seen on the chimney, the Jever brewery's new with your unloading.


Depending on how the map when you arrive, I will possibly continue to build the map and then veröffendlichen.


ToDo list and ideas:

- Straw bale trigger with Lua to grass for the cows

- Hofsilos be covered as an intermediate storage, new delivery locations for the cows

- New types of fruit + matching dealer (potatoes, rye, sand, sugar beet)

- More details

- Beam points

- PDA map nice (I like the current TIG still not 100%)

- Other signs

- Purchasable wind turbines, solar panels and sheds on the farm (own, not from the DLC2)

- Fertilizers per shovel rechargeable


- Conversion of old buildings and vintage buildings



So, now there is a lot more to say except:



Have fun playing!


Greetings, Stormi


Mein Dank geht an :
- Mein besten Freund Sven für seine Ideen und Gespräche im Skype und TS bis spät in die Nacht während der Bauphasen
- Dennis Busch für den Weidezaun, den ich echt in Massen verbaut hab
- Sven777b für seine Tips und Hilfen, waren sehr wertvoll, dankeschön

Und natürlich geht ein großes Dankeschön an die Erbauer der Gebäude und Gimiks, durch die das Spiel erst lebendig wird, die unter anderem wären:
Headshot für die BGA Skripte sowie Fatian und allen Beteidigten für den BGA Baukasten, Degget für den Billinger Landhandel, den Modsource-Moddern für den Hafen, den Hof und diverse andere tolle Gebäude, MacBo für seine alte Mühle (die ich mit ein wenig Umbau auch static actor frei bekommen hab), Katsuo für die rote Halle und das Saatgutlager, dazu passend Desperados93 und Sven777b für das Schiebetorscript (das hatte echt gefehlt) Blackburner für seine Kuhweide-Bastelmap und die Erklärungen dazu sowie allen weiteren Moddern, die ich vergessen hab aufzuzählen oder nicht ermitteln konnte.
Was wäre das Spiel bloss ohne euch ??

  • 03 Jul 12:22
    Version 1.0


checksum: a79c3d3111a5a62f17547f1c0fe83776
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Lunar
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Real World vs Playable
description in shop: Eine Oumage an Niedersachsen

03.07 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.81 / 47 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2011
139 MB 7247
03. 07 2011 7,247

2 Comments for Real World vs. Playable

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  1. phillip1998 02. 05 2012

    ich kann die map micht runterladen

  2. ich hoffe das die v 1 nicht so doll Stop wie die v2, die v2 Stop meger doll bei mir voll scheiße:)))
