This is my version of my map that has been around since the LS13.
PDA Fixed
New vehicles in AI traffic
New backdrop
Fixed floating houses
Fixed some minor bugs
beta version
It would be advisable to create a new savegame so that all changes take effect
It's still a beta version
As always, if you don't like it, you don't have to load it
Guys it's still a beta version and not the final
Please read the info I write for the versions
This is my version of my map that has been around since the LS13.
A lot has been changed
She is 4X again
She still has mistakes
The log is clean except for an error that has existed since the map existed and a warming, there are no Lua errors.
These errors have no effect on playing the map
Hello everyone,
I fixed a few things on the fly.
So I have now set sales opportunities.
These are not final but only for this version.
Please start a new game. If you have already set points of sale yourself, you do not need to start a new game.
I also looked at the terrain again and found no errors there, which is why some have the problem that the tractors sink.
I ask these people to please send me the log via PM
Everything else please stay as in the previous version, because I haven't fixed everything in the short time
Disable Precession Farming
Disable traffic
Disable terrain changing mods
Disable all mod such as fields leases and auctions
I'll try to fix these things in the next versions
Kind regards
Ralle aka johndeere6800
All older versions of the map have been deleted
She is Mp capable
Everything else works
Helpers Work as they should, Season Mask is created
The yards in the pictures are just ideas
You can build them however you want, there is also enough space for productions etc
And yes, I don't know, not everything is perfect, but if you don't like it, you don't have to load it.
08 Feb 13:25Version
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