Hello guys,
i want to introduce you my Insurgency sandstorm custom map named "Pruefstand_7"
based of my projects:
Test Stand VII (German: Pruefstand VII, P-7) was the principal V-2 rocket testing facility at Peenemuende Airfield......
This scenario served me as an inspiration for this map (Nuclear Basis with "post cold war" feeling)
It is not a 1:1 conversion.
Remake of the Insurgency Custom Map "ps7 insurgency-2".
Infiltrate a nuclear facility and liberate it.
Fight with your troops in a multi-level bunker facility or on the surface with numerous buildings.
But be warned, only the best will survive.
Hint! It is a big map because it consists of 3 levels.
3 levels
length: 48000 Unreal Units
width: 24000 Unreal Units
height: 4900 Unreal Units
Additionally I use purchased content from the "UE4" Marketplace
Ballistic Missiles (by OfficialCH)
Nuclear Silo (by MagnusKristiansen)
On request and permission from the content creator "MagnusKristiansen" I use his example map "Nuclear Base" as a start for my project.
It saved me some time, because I would build it similar.
I have adapted and supplemented the content for my project.
The remaining buildings on the surface I created with my own static meshes and brushes, the two underground bunker facilities with meshes purchased from him.
- Checkpoint_Security
- Firefight
- Team Deadmatch
(Other gamemodes are in progress)
Map Name: Pruefstand_7
Scenario Names & Server command line
Coop Server Start Parameters
Firefight Server Start Parameters:
Team Deadmatch Server Start Parameters:
MapCycle.txt Parameters
Coop Hardcore:
to do: a lot :)
- optimize the map (draw distance, cull distance volumes, lods
- light settings
- bullets blocking
- improve starting "V2" rocket (smoke, engine fire, sound)
corrected map overview- sound / custom sounds
- bots spawns & walking routes
Increase Capture Points by at least 5 pieces or more- additional game types
- additional buildings and cover
equip buildings (hall)Cable on power poles
and more...
Known Issues:
- This well-known error occurs sporadically:
"UBotBehavior_MoveToObjective: Failed path to objective! Fix this!"
- The map overview shows only the surface but not the lower bunker facilities
- The map overview is outdated or not precise
Beta 0.6
Compatible with game version 1.7 (UE 4.23.1)
classic elliptical sand wall created for v2 launch platform
Pruefstand 7 without the wall? Does not go at all :) -
Checkpoint Bravo (Crashed helicopter) “Allow Lethal Fire Support” deactivated.
Capture point "Charlie" (ramp entrance) changed to "Delta" (Missile Bunker)
Capture point "Delta" (trafos) changed to "Charlie" - various optical changes (decals, Power cable, )
- Fixed several small bugs
Beta 0.7
- Night Map added
Beta 0.8
- Scenario Checkpoint "L" and "XL" Capture Point "H" moved from bunker level 02 to surface (V2 Launch platform)
- Bots spawns & walking routes modified (unfortunately not all bugs are fixed yet)
- Adjust some "draw distance"
- Scenario Checkpoint "M", "L" and "XL" Capture-Zone "B" (crashed helicopter) enlarged
- Additional covering possibilities (bunker) placed on the surface
- "counter attack" trucks removed because on level 2 (capturepoint "G")
the bots concentrated on a point when trying to get to the "counter attack" trucks - # Fixed several small bugs
Beta 0.9
- New Mini-Map (Map Overview) added
- Building / ruin (Additional covering possibilities) added
- Added loading screen night
- Added loading screen day
- Added vote map thumbnails for night
- Scenario Checkpoint "M", "L" and "XL" Bots spawns modifie
- Fixed several small bugs
Test Server:
Here a video which I test the map with 63 bots in "Firefight" game mode
Have fun
15 Jul 05:03Version Beta 0.9
· New Mini-Map (Map Overview) added
· Building / ruin (Additional covering possibilities) added
· Added loading screen night
· Added loading screen day
· Added vote map thumbnails for night
· Scenario Checkpoint "M", "L" and "XL" Bots spawns modified
· Fixed several small bugs
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