Professional Forstmap

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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This is the professional forestry Map.V1.1Place a

Energiehof with biogas and wood-fired power plant

This map is based on the Flex Forst map and was rebuilt by me.

back to wood from the forests

Provide your biogas plant with corn and grassYou

transporting the wood to the sawmill or the power plantYou

Buy chips consume it at the station and the power plant.

New logs, suitable attacher and about 3000 pieces on the map. There are no GE tree trunks that they occur after the reload on the field where you can put them in the GE habt.Sie ??not changed, such as straw bales werden.Praktisch

short-and long timber which can be retrieved with vehicles from the forest must be

small yard with cows

is intended as a single player and not tested in multiplayer

Attention Attention! The wooden press is essential in your Modsordner otherwise the game will not make you !!!!!!( With the logs is short or long depending on the swath of wood out)

The chips are still in dung fruit as I can not Spiel.Weil new fruit varieties to erstellen.Aber it has the following advantage, shovels and many followers who can run with the mist of the fruit are used. And because the fruit looks similar to mist it so gelassen.Ich chips I ask for your understanding and if someone complains he is supposed to build the chips themselves, and even fruit NEN few shovels and trailer, oh yes, and still nen mobile shredders please. < / p>

The chips can be given with the front loader in the Silostar the power plant or dumped out of the trailer in front of the hall werden.In with sliding doors one trigger for wood chips (manure) is. Or you can tilt into the hall to tipanywhere dry.

Again all this is my first map, so since it was not so strict with me NEN lot of work and I have long considered it to make any download.

The map is not 100% in real terms, it can no trees are cut down and there are certainly some to complain that what them.The map is for all those looking for one since LS08 Forstmap and have waited a long time, those who know the improvements to hopefully appreciate.

And again at the end: forestry is also made available for agriculture who is bothered by this fact does not map to download

So I hope you have fun with it and there are still more Holzmods follow

Is the 1.1 version and requests for enhancements, I'm always open


Ursprung Flexensteiner Forst map und natürlich auch einen großen dank an die vielen modder welche ich nicht erwähnt habe

  • 03 Sep 12:01
    Version 1.1


checksum: 18ad7f5f4fb38f0bccc3a3181f4ed37d
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Mr. F, powerd by
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Profi Forst map
description in shop: Viel Spaß bei der Farmarbeit!

03.09 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.15 / 65 Votes


nach 82 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 2011
219 MB 50389
03. 09 2011 50,389

8 Comments for Professional Forstmap

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  1. Gezi 13. 12 2011

    die map is total cool

  2. bobbycar 24. 10 2011

    hi bei mir kan man den Deutz net kaufen bitte um pn wens jemad weis wo dran das liegt gruss bobbycar

  3. eue-mods 12. 09 2011

    ich finde den map gut

  4. super Map lob an denn moder

  5. MeisterPils 05. 09 2011

    Die map Funktioniert nicht!

  6. Polofreak211 04. 09 2011

    die map is ja nicht schlecht aber die log is voll mit:

    D:/code/lsim2011/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(138) : attempt to index local 'digitalActionData' (a nil value)
    Lua: Error running function: draw

  7. madawson 04. 09 2011

    when will this map be fix again it will not load on my computer

  8. OrpheusRocker 03. 09 2011

    This mod produces this error which crashes the game:
    Error: 10th priceMultiplier is invalid in TipTrigger stationTrigger
    Physics: Add trigger callback failed, object elevatorMoverTrigger is not a physics trigger
    Error: getChildAt index out of range
