die map is ja nicht schlecht aber die log is voll mit:
D:/code/lsim2011/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(138) : attempt to index local 'digitalActionData' (a nil value)
Lua: Error running function: draw
This mod produces this error which crashes the game:
Error: 10th priceMultiplier is invalid in TipTrigger stationTrigger
Physics: Add trigger callback failed, object elevatorMoverTrigger is not a physics trigger
Error: getChildAt index out of range
8 Comments for Professional Forstmap
die map is total cool
hi bei mir kan man den Deutz net kaufen bitte um pn wens jemad weis wo dran das liegt gruss bobbycar
ich finde den map gut
super Map lob an denn moder
Die map Funktioniert nicht!
die map is ja nicht schlecht aber die log is voll mit:
D:/code/lsim2011/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(138) : attempt to index local 'digitalActionData' (a nil value)
Lua: Error running function: draw
when will this map be fix again it will not load on my computer
This mod produces this error which crashes the game:
Error: 10th priceMultiplier is invalid in TipTrigger stationTrigger
Physics: Add trigger callback failed, object elevatorMoverTrigger is not a physics trigger
Error: getChildAt index out of range