This mod is for everyone who plays the NF March of FED Action.
With this calculation you can see whether it is worth producing certain things or better selling them directly.
Right now with the global market, the whole thing is very practical.
What is explained in the video from minute 16:50 min
A little example
You bought the flour production, but no longer have any grain. Then you look at the GlobalMark what it just so there are barley is then, for example, offered for € 600.00 per 1000L The bears her in the price entry screen so a 600.00 the 00 at the end is important.
Then you see what you can get empty pallets in direct sales Example 1020.00 € per 1000L. You then enter the price for empty pallets .
And last but not least you have a look at what grades are offered for 1000L flour for example 1650.00 € because you also enter the price.
the prices are entered, click on transferring and then to close at demolition around the window.
Now you open the profit calculation, look for the flour production and enter the amount of grain that you want to buy / example 100000L.
The calculator then calculates how much L empty pallet is needed and how much L flour comes out with the associated prices.
It is currently the case that the computer only runs with EXCEL version from 2010 in the 64-bit version.
I am available for any questions
Mod may not be offered for download on other sites.
Mod by. Marcel.F und Micha H.
02 Jul 23:45Version 2.0 fix
Kleine Fehlerbehebungen
02 Jul 22:50Version 2.0
Neues Design
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Anleitung Erstellt
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02 Apr 21:04Version 1.8
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07 Mar 12:34Version 1.0
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