Pottinger wagon

V 1.0 multifrucht mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Have here for you a Pottinger wagon.

Why I did it because has asked me clod. At diesser place thanks to a clod of Use for testing.

It is the Eicher Wagon but something changed. He is 1-1 in contrast to Eicher loading wagon.

Animated wheel with crank installed. Pickup is animated with Particelsystem but not for rye, spelled Haver and since I have not received any response from Börndi change because of the script.

Makes no errors on the standard map, the log also clean.

If I have missed something please message to me.

You can load straw, hay and grass and rye, spelled and Haver-straw.

Filling volume: 15000l

Price: 9650 Ls

Maintenance costs: 10 Ls

Attention: To whom it may not like him so again not delete or load it down immediately!

  It is not permitted to upload the mod again or in a different form without permission!
  This mod may not be offered on other pages only with original download link!

Would like to thank the consenting scripts I have installed: Sven777b, Börndi


LS13: LS-Maximus
Model: Gregor96
Ingame: Ackerscholle
Scripte: Sven777b, Börndi

  • 06 Aug 13:38
    Version 1.0 multifrucht


checksum: 9a7efc4675dc7d1636f28484d1e20853
Version: 1.0 multifrucht
multiplayer ready? no
Author: LS-Maixmus
price in shop: 9650 LS
name in shop: Pöttinger Ladewagen
description in shop: Der Pöttinger ist ein alter aber zuverlässiger Ladewagen, denn kann man zur Grass, Weizen-, Gersten-, Dinkel-, Roggen- und Haverstroh sammeln benützt werden.

Hersteller: Pöttinger, Baujahr: 2013, Ladevolumen 15000l
Unterhaltskosten pro Tag: 10LS

06.08 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.52 / 29 Votes


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V 1.0 multifrucht
Farming Simulator 2013
8.66 MB 12605
06. 08 2013 12,605

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