This is still work in progress, so be carefull with savegames. As far as I can tell everything works as intended but there might be some problems hidden in longer playtimes with this mod.
If any issues arise (missing textures, weird behaviour, chrashes etc.), please let me know.
The classic pole-mill (Dutch: Standerdmolen) is an medieval windmill that was primairily used for milling grain and I really wanted to bring it to Foundation. So here we are.
It comes with four different colour scheme's: light-yellow, dark-green, dark-red and wood. Three different modes are selectable: as sawmill, as wheatmill and as clothmill.
Besides that there are (currently) three different attachable ornaments available (so you can tell which is which if the colors aren't enough for you): a swan, a rooster and a swallow
14 Jul 18:42Version 0.5.6
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