Log fork Duo

V 1.3 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Dear Community,


I herewith present you My "Stoll Log fork Duo" for frontloader FZ30 and 750TL.


Because I often was annoyed when picking up log and branches with the Log fork,

I have modified the original Log fork and equipped it with two grapping arms.

Therefore, I call it "Log fork Duo".


From My perspective, it works much better and now giving the whole matter more fun again.


What has been done:

- I practically welded together two Log forks.

- Technical adjustments.

- The weight was increased.

- New texture and new color as well as new Stoll decals.

- Price: 2000,-

FS15 standard features such as dirt etc, still exists!


Now I wish you a lot of fun and I hope you do enjoy working with the log fork more again. :)





PS If you don't like this mod, just do not download it and save stupid comments!





Release notes:

v1.3 - revised 3D model and minor adjustments

v1.2 - New Log fork Duo XL model has been added for Front Loader as well as for Telehandler (XL-T).


Giants, Kodijack

  • 28 Mar 15:27
    Version 1.3

    3D Modell überarbeitet, Anpassung der Befestigungsstelle, storepic v1.3, XL-Version ist jetzt etwas breiter, Warnschild neu bei XL-Version, kleinere Fixes -//- revised 3D model, adjustment of the attaching part, storepic v1.3, XL-version is now little wider, warning plate new for XL-Version, minor fixes

  • 11 Mar 19:00
    Version 1.2 MultiColorFix + XL Version

    Die Greifer und Hydraulic ändern jetzt nicht mehr ihre Farbe.
    Zusätzlich habe ich eine XL Version für Frontlader und eine für den Teleskoplader hinzugefügt. Hoffe das ich damit ein Paar Leute glücklich mache :) -----------------------------------------------------
    Now, the Grabbers and hydraulic does not change their color anymore. Bonus: I added XL Version for Front Loader and telehandler. Enjoy!


checksum: 4d575c3f27d0e027efbff8210747a747
Version: 1.3
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Giants, Kodijack
price in shop: 2000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

05.03 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.01 / 83 Votes


nach 67 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 1.3
Farming Simulator 15
9.02 MB 16783
28. 03 2015 16,783
V 1.2 MultiColorFix + XL Version
Farming Simulator 15
5.13 MB 4315
11. 03 2015 4,315

4 Comments for Log fork Duo

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  1. ney.lopez 30. 09 2015

    Excelente ideia, mas não funcionou nos: Liebherr TL436-7 / L538; JCB 435S / TM320S / 536-70 AGRI; New Holland LM 7,42 / W 170 C. Realmente seria Muito Útil parágrafo troncos Acima de 10 metros.
    Google translation:
    Great idea, but it did not work nos: Liebherr TL436-7 / L538; JCB 435S / TM320S / 536-70 AGRI; New Holland LM 7.42 / W 170 C. It really would be Very Useful paragraph trunks Up to 10 meters.

    1 replies

  2. MrKillJoy 18. 04 2015

    Love using this mod, perhaps a wheel loader version in v1.4?

  3. InCuBuS 11. 03 2015

    Servus Kodijack =)

    Vielen Dank für diesen geilen Mod *Daumen hoch*
    Bin erst vor kurzem darüber gestolpert, und arbeite seitdem nur noch mit dieser Gabel.

    Mach auf jeden Fall weiter so, denn Leute wie Du machen den LS einfach spielenswert.

    Mfg & *5 Sterne*

  4. Warondar69 06. 03 2015

    Great idea and should offer more leverage when picking the logs up. Thanks.
