This silo can you be ensiled (or grass) to silage your chaff. After the tilt and the automatic ensiled you silage
pick on Silotrigger. On Silotrigger you when unload two different Modien. Either you start and stoppst the filling manuel (with key R) or you let it
fill automatically. To change the Modien you have to walk under the Silotrigger stand (with key R can be changed). If the automatic mode is activated, can
you simply leave the trailer stand under it, then he is always filled when silage is present.
Script: kevink98
Model: Giants
Support and Tutorial for installation there on
Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants
Script: kevink98 (LS15: Marhu)
Idee / Konzept: kevink98
Tester: LS-Modcompany
30 Dec 15:04Version 1.1
2 Comments for silo
This is a fake link!.
wheres the info how to install???? cant find it on the website.....why not just put an xml into the file u download -.-