featuredThis is a placeable pig feed mixing plant with level indicators!
From 100 liters of corn, 50 liters of wheat or barley, 40 liters of rape, sunflower or soybeans and
10 liters of potatoes or sugar beets will be 200 liters of pig feed.
The level indicators show the stocks in the order as shown on the label.
For the alternative fruits the stocks are summed up.
The pig feed mixing plant can be found under placeable objects -> silos.
The mod has been tested in Singelplayermodus on my map "Frohnheim" and as far as error-free.
The script is a new development for the LS19.
Please appreciate my work and use the original download links if you have the files on others
Want to offer platforms.
Please also indicate my name in the credits.
Idee / Konzept:
28 Jun 12:13Version
Performanceverbesserung FillTypeMover
LUA-Error bei mehreren unterschiedlichen Produktionen mit gleichen Namen behoben
Sound eingebaut, der Sound ist nur zu höhren, wenn die Produktion produziert -
08 May 18:24Version
1 Comments for Placeable pig feed mixing plant with level indicators
vielen dank für die mod. das macht einiges einfacher. daumen hoch auch für alle anderen!! hab noch keine probleme gehabt.