
V 1.0.7 mod for Foundation

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This mod adds a new challenge to the game: containing outbreaks of plague. Unwell villagers become temporarily unemployed and can seriously impact production in your village if disease is left untreated.

How it works

  • Once you have reached 60 population, the plague may appear in between zero and 1% of the population each month.
  • As soon as a villager is unwell, they will temporarily change jobs and show a job of "Unwell".
  • Unwell villagers will attempt to go to a Hospital if there is a free bed. If there is no free bed, they will go home.
  • Unwell villagers have a 20% chance of infecting others who are within 2 metres, at the end of each day after their first day of illness.
  • Unwell villagers still try to meet their needs, and will go to the market, well and church.
  • The plague will not kill your villagers, but a widespread pandemic will seriously injure production and lead to unhappiness and emigration.
  • Illnesses last between 10 and 20 days. After recovering, the villager will return to their previous job.
  • After recovery, villagers are immune from illness for a period between 20 and 200 days.
  • Soldiers and the Bailiff do not fall ill. Monks complain of being ill but carry on with their jobs as a form of self-punishment.


  • Hospitals are not required, but they have a significant impact on reducing disease.
  • Unwell villagers will automatically try to go to the hospital. By doing so they reduce the chance of spreading the infection to other villagers.
  • Each hospital employs 4 physicians. Separate wards for patients have 10 beds each.
  • Wards must have their own door separate from the main hospital, to decrease the risk of infection spreading.
  • Being seen by a physician reduces recovery time by up to half. The higher the ratio of physicians to patients, the faster villagers in the hospital will recover. Four physicians and 20 patients will be a 20% reduction in time to recover. Fewer patients per physician means faster recovery time, up to a maximum 50% reduction.


  • This is an optional job that helps improve the overall health of your settlement.
  • The Apothecary is a Monk in the Monastery who makes Remedies from Herbs.
  • Remedies help decrease the chance that villagers will come down with a serious illness.
    • One apothecary will reduce the chance of new disease from 100% to 90%
    • Two apothecaries reduce the chance to 80%
    • And so on, up to five apothecaries (50% chance)
    • More than five Apothecaries will have no impact on the incidence of new illnesses
  • Apothecaries will only reduce illness if they have access to Herbs


  • Newcomers don't have a home, so when they are unwell they will go to the village centre. If you have a lot of Newcomers, they can quickly spread disease to others and create a pandemic. Try to promote Newcomers as soon as possible to avoid crowds, if you don't have enough hospitals.
  • Keep an eye on the hospital and expand if you see all the beds are full, or you see a lot of Unwell villagers in the villager list.
  • If you fill a job with someone else while the original worker is unwell, when the first worker recovers they will have their old job but will look for a new place to work. You should review the list of villagers periodically to look for people who have a job assigned but no workplace.
  • If you manually change the job of an unwell villager, they will still be ill and will reset to Unwell again at the end of the day. Avoid doing this as it will delay their recovery.


  • 26 Feb 20:11
    Version 1.0.7

    - Adjusts immunity time
    - Reduces radius and chance of infection
    - Lengthens hospital stay


06.02 2021
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Foundation installiert.
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