With this mod, you can easily build pre-designed AutoDrive intersections on your map.
In the construction menu under Decorations – Other, you will find four intersections with track widths of 3m, 4m, 5m, and 6m. These intersections include a positioning aid (yellow cross) to help with alignment.
Once placed and the construction menu is exited, waypoints for an AutoDrive intersection are automatically created, including a destination point in the middle. These waypoints can then be connected to your route network.
The yellow cross can be sold again via the construction menu. After completing the routes, it is recommended to delete the destination points of the intersections to prevent them from influencing AutoDrive's route calculations.
These intersections are highly useful for creating routes, as they allow you to drive directly to each intersection using AutoDrive. Note: You will need a mod that permits placement on land that does not belong to you.
08 Jan 11:23Version
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