Here I present you after a long build my Map Easter Thal available.
The map has a slightly hilly landscape.
47 purchasable fields of different sizes, fenced pastures, verscheidene collection points, a few details, many forests, etc ...
On Biomaase cogeneration plant can be unloaded only with a wood chip, and the other only straw!
In the Map different building functions, or other things are built, this would be, for example:
Sawmill, beets Schnitzler, pig, Mixfeeder, cattle market, Milkmax Mod, Watermod, Choppedstraw
Required Mods:
Cattle trailer
Trailers with Tipeefects is required!
The map may be found on other sites for download, but only with the original download link!
Mapbau und Gestaltung: ferbman98 Baustellenobjekte: fin050808, Nick98.1 Unterstände: Wildfuchs Dausch Unterstand, Ballenunterstand: Steffen30muc Schafstall: power74de Bauernhaus: KundSModding Tankstelle: fendtfan1 Mixfeeder und Stall: Bluebaby und Timber131 Sägewerk und Schweinemast, Viehmarkt: Marhu Rübenschnitzler, MilkMax: Farmer_Andy Zuckerfabrik: ElCid Freilandsilo, Drahtzaun: Bau3R und kingkalle Roth Getreide, Raiffeisen Landhandel, Stromhaus: martinbigm500 Radiotower: ? BGA: Manuel (Modding Welt) Einzelen Objekte: NKB Modding Diverse Gebäude und Objekte: Giants Landhandel: Eifok Und natürlich von denen, die ich vergessen habe zu erwähnen.-
06 Nov 21:23Version 1.0
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
ago over 9 years
checksum: | e53ac90ee60804e8883bf1bcaf5a15e4 |
Version: | 1.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | ferbman98 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Osterthal |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Map Osterthal |
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