Open Worlds v2 Well, first thank you so much for the many positive comments and constructive criticism of the V1. Your suggestions are encouraged me to make an update of the map, which I would now like to ask you to Verfügng. What has been changed to V1: - The tree collisions were completely removed (I hope I've lost a tree) - On a field, wheat and barley on three field ready for harvest made in order to shorten the lead time slightly - On Field 2 was planted canola - The roads were angepasstt, thus helping to bring the tractor is now on the streets should not slow down - Has at the basic level structure of the map but nothing changed - some fields around the central mountains were a bit "hilly" made - Behind the Agravis Durchfahrsilo one was added to the sale of grass and chaff, to make life a bit easier. The original trigger is still existent and can be used as - A scarecrow was added (DaRealest know why;)) If you'd rather play the somewhat heavier variant (with tree collision, no bepflnzten fields to the start, only the original Agravis trigger), this will of course continue here: [url = mods / open-worlds] / mods / open-worlds [/url] So happy now and create ... Again here the description of the V1 ------------------------ Hi, Now I've also decided to publish my V1 Open Worlds map. I hope you like the map and you make fun gamble ... Key features -The map was built from scratch. Only the original CowZone was maintained in order to function properly gewährleisten.Verkehr, pedestrians, milk trucks, cars and PDAs are naturally adapted to reset In addition to the Standardfruchsorten can also be planted potatoes and sugar beet Full-featured BGA was blocked by Heady for the processing of grass and corn silage. Payout to each clock 0:00 Dung and manure can be sold at garden centers -The growth times were doubled Bottle collecting has been implemented (bottles are scattered across the map) -All fields are gegrubbert so you can watch unfold freely (no longer entirely true, of course) Installation -Unzip the downloaded archive and copy it into your mods folder. In addition, attached to the Mods still need the script of BGA Heady for the BGA. These are not in the pack and must also be copied to your mods. Find it: MAPBGA: MapBGASilo: Siloschaufel: Notes -The cars and driving away from Kartoffelnund for harvesting beets are not included in the pack. This can of course be downloaded here at Modhoster. -To watch the levels of potato and beet silage on the farm in the PDA, I recommend the use of PDAMod for Workers / Multifruit. These can be downloaded here: [url =] [/url] Credits At this point I would like to thank all the modders for your wonderful objects that have been installed on this map. This is particularly true for Heady- -Fatian -Meistro Black Burner -Janhenrik -Sandgroper Desch- -Nubsi -Börndi -The team from ETS / GTS Thanks also to DaRealest for the detailed testing of the map If I have forgotten anyone, or can no longer understand, from whom the object is simply a short message ne me wearing, then I according to this. Thank you for your super work! important : It is forbidden to use this map (in modified form) re-upload it. It is forbidden to upload this map again (even in an altered form)! Sun and fun at the nu gamble Bodula
An dieser Stelle möchte ich bei allen Moddern für Ihre tollen Objekte bedanken, die auf dieser Map verbaut worden sind. Insbesondere gilt dies für-Heady
-Dem Team von ETS/GTS
Vielen Dank auch an Dareal für das ausführliche Testen der Map
18 Jun 12:55Version 2 by Bodula
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by Bodula
ago almost 14 years
by SmokingDude89
ago almost 13 years
by Dareal
ago almost 14 years
by Dareal
ago almost 14 years
by Dareal
ago almost 14 years
by landwirt :-)
ago almost 14 years
by landwirt :-)
ago almost 14 years
by landwirt :-)
ago almost 14 years
checksum: | 95fff12b29ed13ffd56021386af26561 |
Version: | 2 by Bodula |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Nubsi |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Open World v2 |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Open World v2 Map. |
checksum: | 59afad7651aef88fddb9ad0f69674db1 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Headshot XXL to LS2011 Northern_Strike |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Open World v2 |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Open World v2 Map. |
checksum: | d527c1bd5107e07cc3bc98b862ada28c |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Nubsi |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Open World v2 |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Open World v2 Map. |
checksum: | 6ebd62af80da9e95dcc1d222acb94592 |
Version: | 2 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Bodula |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Open World v2 |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Open World v2 Map. |
checksum: | 37582d5d3123a7e0ecfdf0d4bd3b3cf4 |
Version: | 1 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Wizznall |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Open World v2 |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Open World v2 Map. |
1 Comments for Open Worlds
was für ein grubber ist das?