Here is the Third version of my FS 2009 map "North Forty" for FS 2011. With this version I fixed the problem with manure sales dump by moving it to the outside of the mill. The crops are wheat, maize, rape, barley, pea, sunflower, sugarbeet, cotton, soybean, potato and of course grass. Maize, barley and sugarbeets are sold at the brewery, all other crops are sold at the mill. I have added a special building at the farm just for potatos. You can dump them there and collect them there for sale at the mill. Of course if you prefer to use the courseplay mod you can still dump them at the main farm dump, but to full your trailers for sale at market, you must use the conveyor belt. But since it has lots of room around it, courseplay can be easily used with it. I have also added the new manure mod by Koper so that now when you spread solid manure on a field, you can now see manure laying in the field. I have also included the PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit by Decker_MMIV so that all crops now appear on your PDA and also all hired works now appear on it if they are in range. I have also installed a conveyorbelt at the manure heap to easily load your solid manure. Hopefully with this version I have gotten all the bugs out so if the new potato building proves to be popular, then in version 4 (which will be the final version) I will make one for sugarbeets, but if not popular, then this version will be the final.
Hayshed by SandgroperStone Cottage by Sandgroper
House with car port by Wizznall
Gas Station Pack by troll711
Milk Mod by Acert
Opico Grain Dryer by mf6160
American Style Barn by troll711
Felleskjopet Grainary by RRS
Beehive by Siraly0211( Hungary )
Manure-pit by dodo27
Farm Diesel Fuel Tank by Sandgroper
General purpose corrugated metal sheds by Sandgroper
Cattle grid by Wizznall
Header-storer by Gamesnaper
Manure mod by Wizznall
Grass Texture Pack by PolishMods
Modified Manure by Koper
26 Apr 17:03Version 3
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