Here is the second version of my map "North Forty" for FS 2011. I have corrected the problem with the cultivation texture being misaligned, and also I have shifted the mill triggers slightly as there was an intermittent problem with the courseplay mod just driving over them and not dumping at the mill. I have also done a bit more detail, and fix a couple of objects that were not placed properly, and also I have split field 13 into 2 seperate fields instead of one large one. I added potato, soybean to the crops as well as the ones that were already in the map, wheat, maize, rape, barley, pea, sunflower, sugarbeet, cotton, and of course grass. Besides being able to store chaff, you can also store grass and drygrass. This is the second version so I hope I have ironed out most of the errors. If you have some suggestions, questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. This is just the map, the mods fold which is need to run the map, will be uploaded as soon as the map is done
Credits:English bale barn by RobDobie1994
Milk Mod by Acert
Opico Grain Dryer by mf6160
American Style Barn by troll711
Felleskjopet Grainary by RRS
Beehive by Siraly0211( Hungary )
Manure-pit by dodo27
Farm Diesel Fuel Tank by Sandgroper
General purpose corrugated metal sheds by Sandgroper
Cattle grid by Wizznall
Header-storer by Gamesnaper
Manure mod by Wizznal
Static Ducks by Sandgroper
22 Apr 13:29Version 2
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