On this fictional map, which is based on Lower Saxony, there is a lot to see and also numerous details to marvel at.
It is a quadruple map with 16.7 square kilometers.
This map has a nicely furnished starting courtyard for the single player and in multiplayer over 16 free courtyard areas where you can let off steam online.
-16 start yards, among others for placeable buildings or productions, these areas are only visible on the PDA as gray areas and in the game as meadow.
-In addition there are 8 biogas plants, 31 forest areas and 180 fields that can be bought.
-MaizePlus ready (including horse extension):
- Alfalfa, clover, horse grass, field grass, meadow grass, miscanthus, triticale, rye, spelled, onions, carrots
- Grass, Alfalfa and Cloverr have 4 drying levels (requires at least 3 turns) - with and without seasons
-Start yard with enough vehicles available.
-Seasons ready
-Manure system ready
-MaizePlus ready (Horse Extension, CCM Extension, Forage Extension).
-PrecisionFarming ready.
-Glurry system ready.
- Dump piles increased to 128
To Kastor for approving the biogas plants.
To the Farming Agency (The Alien Paul) for the Horse Extensions.
-Realistic and high resolution textures
This map is suitable for PC. !
NDS Modding-
26 May 13:50Version 1.0
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
by McThrawn
ago almost 4 years
3 Comments for Niedersachsen21
Laut der log.txt bei mir gibt es anscheinend Probleme mit dem Speichern weil der FarmingSimulator2019 Ordner auf OneDrive liegt:
Deshalb würde ich empfehlen mal OneDrive zu deaktivieren so das der FarmingSimulator2019 Ordner auf der lokalen Platte liegt:
hat jemand für diese Kartenversion passende Autodrivecourse ?
Und würde derjenige sie zur Verfügung stellen ?
Hallo McThrawn die Benötigten Mods fehlen in der Beschreibung, Leute ihr könnt auch über den ModHub nachsehen da sind auch die Benötigten Mods mit aufgelistet