New Holland TM150

V 1.0 MR mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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New Holland TM150



New Holland TM is the successor to the M/60-series. The appearance which barely changed at all, but the doors were now whole glass and the device control panel was new. The engine were a six-cylindered, 7.5 liter Ford turbo diesel, and what rated (ISO) at 147/2200 hp / rpm for the TM150. Lifting power of the TM150 were 8435kg, and it had the standard PTO speeds of 540, 750 and 1000th




  • Real Lights - You'll need, it's on the Internet
  • Manual Ignition
  • Cab and seat suspension
  • Animated Front Suspension
  • Indoor Sounds
  • Interactive Control
  • ESLimiter and Operating Hours
  • Dynamic Camera
  • Wheel Particles
  • Moving Interior Parts
  • Buyable dual wheels
  • Buyable front loader brackets - Stand next to the tractor at the shop and press 'B'!
  • Real Lights - You'll need, it's on the Internet
  • Washable - BJR-Edition




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3D model JoXXer

Texture: JoXXer and AzoaX

Ingaming: JoXXer

Sounds: EddieVegas



JoXXer: BJR_DynamicCamera, BJR_ComfortSuspension, BJR_MovingPartsInterior, BJR_DriveGroundParticles, BJR_BuyableLoaderBrackets, BJR_DashboardIndicators, BJR_PivotingAxle as well as Modifications to most scripts

Facebook: Interactive Control, ControlPanelAttacher, ESLimiter and Operating Hours, Indoor sounds, Washable, BuyableWheels and Wipers

fruktor: Real Lights

model eicher: realExhaustParticleSystemV3

Templaer, Henly20, XENTRO: ManualIgnition


Special thanks to the BJR Modding test team:

EddieVegas, Marxtai, Dave_Boughen, Hitperson, theSeb, Wiliam, snapper, 07lthorne, Rustydog, Connor tindall, Jd boy 635, napalm, Oliwrighty, Russ and Superbrian91.

Without synthesis people this mod be nowhere near the quality it's AT.


JoXXer: BJR_DynamicCamera, BJR_ComfortSuspension, BJR_MovingPartsInterior, BJR_DriveGroundParticles, BJR_BuyableLoaderBrackets, BJR_DashboardIndicators, BJR_PivotingAxle as well as modifications to most scripts

Face: InteractiveControl, ControlPanelAttacher, ESLimiter and OperatingHours, Indoor Sounds, Washable, BuyableWheels and Wipers

fruktor: RealLights

modelleicher: realExhaustParticleSystemV3

Templaer, Henly20, Xentro: ManualIgnition

  • 30 Jun 21:27
    Version 1.0 MR

  • 30 Jun 21:26
    Version 1.0


checksum: 5701e7505baf5c9d71b6eaef66eec825
Version: 1.0 MR
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: BJR-Modding
price in shop: 47250 LS
name in shop: New Holland TM150 - MR
description in shop: A TM150 in excellent condition with less than 2700 hours on the clock and brand new tires! A perfect tractor for all jobs around the farm, especially if you fit loader-brackets here at the shop.

Technical data:
Max. Power, hp/kW: 140/104
Maximum lift capacity: 8435kg
Fuel Tank: 325l
PowerShift transmission, max speed: 40km/h

30.06 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.84 / 64 Votes


nach 60 Stimmen

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V 1.0 MR
Farming Simulator 2013
28.4 MB 18251
30. 06 2014 18,251
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
28.3 MB 11691
30. 06 2014 11,691

1 Comments for New Holland TM150

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  1. Joe`s farm dk 02. 07 2014

    Hello yes this is a AWESOME NH, i have the MR version and it runs great, just a shame that no plough script is, buuuut i keep it and thx for sharing you work and whish you and your team a great summer. the best part is the steering, it fit for once and so perfect gave it all the stars i could i the selecting thx again br ;)
