Thank you for downloading my new gravel textures. The original gravel was acceptable, but what I don't like is the repeating corn row effect you get looking off in the distance. My texture looks more smooth and looks more like a rocky dirt road and looks more natural. The color also looks better with the environment.
Manually place the Texture folder included inside your Maps folder (\Farming Simulator 2013\data\maps). I have included default textures in case you want to go back to the original textures. Simply delete my textures and remove the "OFF" from gravel_diffuseOFF and gravel_distance_diffuseOFF to restore default files.
These are new files and not from any existing mods. Textures created using GIMP 2.8 and are photoreal.
I give you permission to modify and upload to any website you please. Just mention my name in your credits is all I ask. Have fun with all my mods, that's why I upload and share my work. This is my way of giving back to the farm sim community for making this such a fun hobby.
Thank you,
Todd McCuistion "Tuddley3"
Dies sind die neuen Dateien und nicht von jedem vorhandenen Mods. Texturen mit GIMP 2.8 erstellt und sind Photoreal.
Ich gebe Ihnen die Berechtigung zum Ändern und hochladen zu einer Website, die Sie bitte. Nur erwähnen Sie, dass mein Name in Ihr Guthaben ist alles, was, die ich frage. Viel Spaß mit alle meine Mods, das ist, warum ich hochladen und Teilen meiner Arbeit. Das ist meine Art des Gebens zu den Sim Betriebsgemeinschaft für was das macht so viel Spaß Hobby.
Vielen Dank
Todd McCuistion "Tuddley3"
03 Jan 06:18Version 1.0
by Tuddley3
ago about 12 years
by Tuddley3
ago about 12 years
by Tuddley3
ago about 12 years
by Tuddley3
ago about 12 years
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