Netherlands Special 2014

V 1.2 SoilMod ChoppedStraw mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hello everyone,


Here is for all of you the Netherlands special 2014 map.

This is my last map for farming simulator 2013 en i will continue for farming simulator 15th

This map is based on the Netherlands from pictures found on google.

This is a new map and not a remake ..

There a multiple farms and a contractor so its a good map for multi player.


Extra information;

You need the transport the milk by yourself to the country trade.

You can load fertilizer and Lime at the country trade.

You can sell straw / hay bales and at the country trade.

You can buy seeds at the country trade.

You can sell al the crops at the country trade.

The manure and liquid manure are filled up to 2000 Tons.



Wheat, Barely, Canola, Corn, Potatoes, Sugar beets,


The crops will not die!


What can you find in the map;

2 Cow farms

Sheep farm


Vehicle shop


Country trade

Crop storage

Potatoes farm

Sugar beet farm


Extra mods


MapDoorTrigger (

MapHoseRefStation (

PDAFix (

Guarantor Water (

Pig transport (


You do need to download the manure slurry lime mod manually;

Slurry manure lime Mod (



I would like to thank al the modders for using Their objects, buildings, textures ..

I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you i am sorry but thanks that i can use it



The map may be offered only to the original link in other forums or the like!

The file can not be uploaded again!

I ask for understanding and have fun with the map.


Map by: Mike,
ReFFarmer, Marhu, EJBFarmingBV - Showgunn84 - Desperados93, Tobi89 aka Spl3do, Max311, IceBlade, 844Powr™, Deifel GBR, Wildfuchs
Team um Bauer Jens 1 (Licht) John Deere 6930, Germany Community Group
martinbigM500 - Script: GE-Mapping, Marhu – Scripts, HatzFan - Einbau -Kolbenfresser- - 3D Objekte, Eifok: MapHoseRefStation, Strasse: Fatian.
Potato Cistern: Renting Modding.

  • 11 Sep 22:22
    Version 1.2 SoilMod ChoppedStraw

    New in this Version V1.2 Edit,

    Added, SoilMod - Soil Management & Growth Control.
    Added, ChoppedStraw with SoilMod-Plugin.
    Placed Fertilizer and Herbicide tanks at the Countrytrade.

  • 23 Aug 19:54
    Version 1.1

    new version v1.1

    the loading of the Liquid manure at the bga could not be loaded This problem is solved

  • 18 Aug 21:51
    Version 1.0


checksum: 8045503a9385c55ff0aa5e4faaa75db1
Version: 1.2 SoilMod ChoppedStraw
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Mike /
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Netherlands Special 2014 v1.2
description in shop: Welcome to my Netherlands Special 2014!

Modhoster user rating
4.16 / 19 Votes


nach 24 Stimmen

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V 1.2 SoilMod ChoppedStraw
Farming Simulator 2013
167 MB 4421
11. 09 2014 4,421
V 1.1
Farming Simulator 2013
166 MB 2857
23. 08 2014 2,857
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
166 MB 4829
18. 08 2014 4,829

2 Comments for Netherlands Special 2014

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  1. kamis 13. 09 2014

    Hello all. :)
    I have problem whe loading up map
    Im geting this error andd map loadding in forever.
    SoilMod: Registering new spray-types
    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
    Error: LUA running function 'mouseEvent'
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil

  2. coww 19. 08 2014

    I really like the map

    good work
