Munshausen Map

V 2.3.0 Seasons Ready mod for Farming Simulator 19

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Hello everyone Ls 19 friends Many know the Munshausen Map from the 15er 17er and now we have brought them to Ls19 !!!

Big thanks to TuneWar for helpful tips and videos

Please read the description completely and watch the video to prevent misunderstandings !!

The map we have as good as we have in the 19 Giants editor coped with the new system to the Ls 19 brought
the map is multiplayer capable and has been tested 30 hours and there are no errors on it dipped but it should be the case the error should show up just write a message to us
You are welcome to visit us on our facebook page for news and information 
Link: https: // view_as = subscriber?

(Description of the map)

In the little village Munshausen and Robesscheier there is a farmer's yard and a medium sized spruce forest and small to large meadows and fields they can buy everything what is buyable she has been built according to our sense
The farm consists of an old farmer's house with barn and shelter for machines Pluggable objects are not there because you can place them themselves everywhere where it is possible.

(V2.3.0 Seasons Ready)

What's new
Road bug fixed at the agricultural machinery dealer
Seasons Ready made and Seasons Mask made in the backing because you can bale there for rain and snow
In the existing spruce forest, a couple of pines and shrubs were added
Meadow 7 was shown on request
And then one or the other was fixed
and make various entries in the XML

Emfohlen for more real fun

Who says silly Komantare from having to give or on the Map Mäkern you need not even down to load down!

The map may not be offered on other side only with Orignal DL Link synonymous not in a modified version!

The name Munshausen and Robesscheier come from Ösling luxemburg !!


Großen Dank geht an TuneWar wegen denn Hilfreichen Tipps und Videos 
Idee: Gamer und Ls15 Modding Team
Tester: Gamer und Ls15 Modding Team

  • 30 Aug 18:58
    Version 2.3.0 Seasons Ready


    Was ist neu

    Straßen fehler beim Landmaschinenhändler behoben
    Seasons Mask in denn Unterstenden gemacht da mit man dort ballen für Regen und schnee schütz werden können
    Im vorhandenen Fichten Wald wurde Paar Kiefern und büsche hinzugefügt
    Wiese 7 wurde auf wunsch ein gezeumt
    Und dann wurden noch das eine oder ander gefixt
    und Verschidene eintragungen in der XML vorgenommen


11.03 2019
Modhoster user rating
3.5 / 14 Votes


nach 19 Stimmen

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V 2.3.0 Seasons Ready
Farming Simulator 19
104 MB 2943
30. 08 2019 2,943

2 Comments for Munshausen Map

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  1. Technicus2404 10. 08 2020

    Wird auch noch eine Version mit maizeplus Unterstützung kommen?

  2. TeeSee64 12. 03 2019

    thank you! we visit that village every year when we are on vacation in a town called Wiltz.

    1 replies
