I am still working on the map. Progress is slow with my fulltime job started back up and other responsibilities. However, I have scanned/processed quite a few new assets and I have yet again revamped the map, which will be a much smaller island. Please be patient as this is just one of my hobbies and I'm generally a lazy dude.
If you experience any weird glitches such as bouncing or rubberbanding, inform the server admin to update the mod files. This seems to happen when the clients update but the server is running old files.
Patch 0.0.21
-I've recently remade the terrain from scratch as I felt it was fundamentally flawed. Forests are now much denser and more natural (screenshots need to be updated).
-Setup checkpoint. Currently only has a few objectives. I plan on adding more objectives and buildings down the road.
-Added more foliage assets.
Use shrubs, long grasses, and undergrowth to conceal yourself from players and AI.
Known issues:
Restrictive volumes are not working properly, so you can go anywhere in the map.
More manually placed visibility blocking volumes are likely needed.
Some visibility blockers work too well.
No ambient sounds. (Yet to record them)
Problems with air support
More game modes, custom assets, and tweaking to come.
Foliage scanned and made myself (minus a couple speedtree placeholders).
15 Jul 05:07Version 0.0.25
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