Mercedes Benz Vario 614D Pack

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Consisting of 10 mod - vehicles !

1 MB Vario 614D ADAC with AHK , beacon tank and trigger

2 MB Vario 614D Federal Police with AHK , flashing lights and 3 different signals

3 MB Vario 614D fire brigade line with AHK , flashing lights and 3 different signals

4 MB Vario 614D garden and landscaping with AHK and seeds trigger

5 MB Vario 614D with local APC , tank and trigger

6 MB Vario 614D Police ( Blue Strip ) with AHK , flashing lights and 3 different signals

7 MB Vario 614D Police ( green stripe) with AHK , flashing lights and 3 different signals

8 MB Vario 614D ambulance with flashing lights and 3 different signals

9 THW MB Vario 614D with flashing lights and 3 different signals

10th BONUS ! ! Surprise!

In all 10 vehicles you can open the doors !
When the vehicle is 1,4,5 and 10 you MUST open the door before you can use the trigger!

The mods are for Farming Simulator 2013 with Update 1.4 !
The log.txt is up to " " trigger removed " It is normal to clean .

images :
wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg image image image wysiwyg wysiwyg image

My personal "thank you" goes to:
Tackleberry , Dark Live and _Agent_

My rules :
1 I will never be a release for the mods , even if
you write me a message where it say "I will not take the answer
for a YES ! "
2 Support for any errors, suggestions and requests I receive only in my forum address:
3 It is forbidden even to obstruct parts of my mods and other mods to make this on the DL for disposal !
4 It is forbidden the mods individually hypocritical on any
Forums to load up again , even if you have to register there to
to get a download !

DieserMod is offered at exclusive , and may in any other forum
Download offered . There are no approvals for changes of any kind !

wysiwyg image

' MB 614D Vario Pack " LS13 by is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere Derivatives 3.0 Unported License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Important Information!
Please extract the rar once and 10 located therein mods in your mods - . Folders !


Credits: Modell: Hewaaa Textur: Hewaaa InGame: Hewaaa Fahrzeugscripte: Hewaaa Beleuchtung v3.1.2: Sven777b Toggle animatedparts: Sven777b und andere...

  • 30 Aug 13:07
    Version 1.0


checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D Bundespolizei
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D FWE
description in shop:
MB Vario 614D Feuerwehr Einsatzleitung
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D Kommunal
description in shop:
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D ADAC
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D OffRoad
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D Rettungswagen
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D THW
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 498
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D Polizei gruen
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D GaLa
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar
checksum: 4981a9fbe05d4c05c1a536de4e3a8dd5
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hewaaa
price in shop: 19999 LS
name in shop: MB Vario 614D Polizei bla
description in shop:
Info-Hud einblendung: NUM 0
Türen zum öffnen / schliessen
3 Signale wählbar

30.08 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.48 / 27 Votes


nach 20 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
109 MB 13131
30. 08 2013 13,131

1 Comments for Mercedes Benz Vario 614D Pack

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  1. Csyon107 27. 10 2020

    Warum rar Datei kann mir jemand sagen wie ich die entpacken soll????
