This Mod is intended to be downloaded by Map makers and implemented to their maps, this Mod DON'T have a scenario or Map in it!! here is link to it:!AgXqUQNVnl-xg5F7f6w9BfnLRS45Lg?e=fTQnI0 <-- new link!!
Gamemode for now: round by default is 30 sec, overtime 15 sec. while round is in progress, all objectives are closed. if overtime, they open and can be captured. Note: objective captured instantly, but this isn't final, I didn't even tested mod with real players, so before that.. instant capture
-if you want to ask me sumthing, discord: heromanofe#7491 --> please don't invite me to be your friend :D I want to keep list clean, so instead just join official NWI channel ( ) or I am staff member of SEL ( <-- you can @me there anywhere "P) you can DM me if we have at least one mutual server. Or you could join modding community "D
--link for overdrive file changed** again, please re-download file.
Map name and scenarios switched, now to open my map:
Open LivonC?Scenario=Scenario_LivonC_Massacre --> or Scenario=Scenario_LivonC_Firefight
Massacre 2.0 ^^Patch^^
*Rounds still 45 and overtime 15
*Point on the point--> Now middle point is opened from the beginning and could be captured in 1sec (0.5 if 2 people), also obj itself bigger.
*new 2nd way to win:--> instead of taking obj on overtime, now if you take obj your team gets 1 point every second (2 points if overtime). if OBJ is contested, teams aren't getting points. Earn 20 points and your team won (so hold obj for 20 seconds\10seconds) to win. if you capture obj, ur m8 don't respawn!!
*you also gain 2 points for killing enemies
*every round points reset!!
--edit edit: I realized that it would be better if I make my own map to show off this gamemode, so I gonna work on that.
--edit edit edit: before making map, gonna make sure that I am doing all right and it works in the game.
---I will try to create new mod and spam there :D I just can't get even map with just 2 planes to work
----While aimlessly walking in my kitchen, I came up with 2 things:
-* I gonna make one new variable that you could change in game.ini file that basically will change everyone's walking\running speed.
-* New gamemode that will be code named (for now) Massacre on a point--> possible name: LANDLORD. Idea is that map will be... not big, like 200-400m maybe smaller :D and on this map there will be several per-defined objectives (lets say 5-7). then when round starts one objective (that is fair to 2 sides) activates and you should capture it. then while holding objective, you earn points (every tick). Objective stays up for 20-30 sec and if enemy team captures objective back, it could be either obj is down (so new gonna activate in 5-10 secs) or it could be that other team is getting points. Earn 100 and you win. for now only 2 problems: make it work "fair" and how can I notify people that this objective will activate in 5-10 secs.Oh and this is TDM of course :D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update:
Gamemode: Will be changed, will make it so that you don't respawn
Map: I re-made whole rooftop, added sum reflections (not currently on map thou) and I am testing with sum people gamemode and map before fully finishing map.
15 Jul 05:07Version 1.0.idk
1.7 support
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