Hi LS community,
Here I have for you a chain link fence set.
NOTE: To install the GE!
I for my new project (see WIP) needed a fence, but no one particularly liked, I have created this set.
It consists of:
- Post
- Fence 1m
- Fence 2m
- Fence 4m
- 4m fence with hole 1
- 4m fence with hole 2
- Fence outside corner 90 degrees
- Fence corner 90 degrees inside
- Role mooring wire (as decoration)
- Trespassing sign
- Tor left 3m
- Tor right 3m
All parts have a Clip Distance of 500 mtr and collisions. The components are aligned such that major input integer Translation values ??can be pretty easy to put together a fence. The textures are then seamlessly (99.9%). The gates are prepared for animation with kinematic collision and matching Pivot.
Unfortunately, I can make no picture of the entire set in a quality that you can tell everything. But the wire is easy to fine.
Modname: chain link fence
Authors: 112TEC
Date: 07/2015
Wire Mesh: basic model with Turbosquid own changes
Rest: Eigenbau 112TEC resemblance to "premises fence Set" LS13 of martinbigM500 is intended.
Ingaming: 112TEC
No new publication without the consent of 112TEC.
Mod Name: wire_mesh_fence
Author: 112TEC
Date: 07/2015
wire_mesh: Basic model Turbosquid with own changes
Others: own construction 112TEC Resemblance to "working area fence set" LS13 from martinbigM500 is Intended.
Ingaming: 112TEC
No new publication without permission of 112TEC.
Have fun with it!
1. Publication only with original download link. NOT a substitute link
2. No publication Neutexturierung, model change or part of the Mods.
Releases I reserve on request.
CREDITSModname: Maschendrahtzaun
Autoren: 112TEC
Datum: 07/2015
Maschendraht: Grundmodell Turbosquid mit eigenen Änderungen
Rest: Eigenbau 112TEC Ähnlichkeit mit "Betriebsgelände Zaun Set" LS13 von martinbigM500 ist beabsichtigt.
Ingaming: 112TEC
Keine neue Veröffentlichung ohne die Zustimmung von 112TEC.
Mod name: wire_mesh_fence
Author: 112TEC
Date: 07/2015
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
wire_mesh: basic model Turbosquid with own changes
others: own construction 112TEC Resemblance to "working area fence set" LS13 from martinbigM500 is intended.
Ingaming: 112TEC
No new publication without permission of 112TEC.
17 Jul 14:42Version 1.0
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